@rel type 'describedby'
[Fwd: About include/excludeiripattern]
Comment from Jo Rabin
comment: powder grouping handling of IRIs...
ERT WG comment on POWDER documents
LC-Comment on POWDER-Semantics
Looking for a place to live
Media Type Registration request for POWDER and POWDER-S
POWDER comments: multiple/alternate displaytext strings? (eg. different languages/scripts)
PROPOSED RESOLUTION (WAS Re: [Fwd: About include/excludeiripattern])
- Andrea Perego (Wednesday, 7 January)
- Andrea Perego (Wednesday, 7 January)
- Charles McCathieNevile (Wednesday, 7 January)
- Andrea Perego (Tuesday, 6 January)
- Smith, Kevin, (R&D) VF-Group (Tuesday, 6 January)
- Phil Archer (Tuesday, 6 January)
- Andrea Perego (Tuesday, 6 January)
- Andrea Perego (Monday, 5 January)
- Stasinos Konstantopoulos (Monday, 5 January)
- Phil Archer (Monday, 5 January)
- Andrea Perego (Monday, 5 January)
- Stasinos Konstantopoulos (Monday, 5 January)
- Phil Archer (Monday, 5 January)
Request for two new media types submitted
status of GRDDL for POWDER - no joy testing in Redland/Raptor
Update: powder2powderBase.xsl
Last message date: Monday, 26 January 2009 15:33:00 UTC