Re: status of GRDDL for POWDER - no joy testing in Redland/Raptor

I think my previous e-mail will answer this for you but just to clarify:

1. The schema accessible at the POWDER namespace is rather old and out 
of date. A final version is on the verge of being completed and will 
include the GRDDL transform links. Knowing the chaps working on this, 
I'm hopeful of it being ready by/on Monday although as our charter has 
expired it's going to take longer to get it installed at the correct 

2. The XSLTs are all done bar a couple of minor bugs for people who like 
throwing unrealistically over-complex examples at it and wondering why 
it makes some little errors!

HTH and thanks for your comments as ever.


Dan Brickley wrote:
> Hi folks
> I'm trying to write a simple POWDER thing to assert that all documents 
> matching a certain URI pattern have a particular dc:publisher. My 
> understanding is that I could write a POWDER .xml file and then run a 
> GRDDL parser over it.
> I've tried taking the exact example from 
> ('This is a repeat 
> of from Example 2-6') and running Redland's raptor parser over it in 
> GRDDL mode. I've tried my own POWDER XML file too, but I'm getting no 
> RDF output. Not sure if this is an issue with lack of GRDDL declarations 
>  in the ns, the parser, or my understanding. Possibly all 3 :)
> rapper --trace -i grddl eg2.6.xml
> rapper: Parsing URI file:///Users/danbri/working/xmlsig/powder/eg2.6.xml 
> with parser grddl
> rapper: Serializing with serializer ntriples
> rapper: Processing URI
> rapper: Parsing returned 0 triples
> Where eg2.6.xml is the following wellformed XML:
> [[
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <powder xmlns=""
>       xmlns:ex="">
>   <attribution>
>     <issuedby src="" />
>     <issued>2007-12-14T00:00:00</issued>
>     <abouthosts></abouthosts>
>   </attribution>
>   <ol>
>     <dr>
>       <iriset>
>          <includehosts></includehosts>
>          <includepathstartswith>/foo</includepathstartswith>
>       </iriset>
>       <descriptorset>
>         <ex:color>blue</ex:color>
>       </descriptorset>
>     </dr>
>     <dr>
>       <iriset>
>         <includehosts></includehosts>
>       </iriset>
>       <descriptorset>
>         <ex:color>red</ex:color>
>       </descriptorset>
>     </dr>
>   </ol>
> </powder>
> ]]
> When I dereference the namespace I eventually find 
> ... but unless I'm mistaken, 
> this doesn't seem to have GRDDL annotations.
> Thanks for any pointers on how to get this running,
> cheers,
> Dan
> -- 

Phil Archer

Received on Friday, 16 January 2009 14:52:25 UTC