from May 2003 by thread

RE: [BH] Application Patterns and SOAP (Was: First (Very Rought) Outline of Beyond HTTP) (Wednesday, 28 May)

UA: notes from 27 May UA TF call Lorrie Cranor (Tuesday, 27 May)

P3P spec working group call May 28 Lorrie Cranor (Friday, 23 May)

UA: TF call Tuesday 27 May Lorrie Cranor (Friday, 23 May)

UA: UA guidelines first draft Lorrie Cranor (Friday, 23 May)

Article 10 issues Giles Hogben (Thursday, 22 May)

New Draft for Consent choices Rigo Wenning (Thursday, 22 May)

UA: draft proposed translation Lorrie Cranor (Thursday, 22 May)

UA: interesting reading on plain language and HIPAA privacy notices Lorrie Cranor (Thursday, 22 May)

RE: potential requirement/guidelines on acceptable Purpose / Cate g ory combinations Dobbs, Brooks (Tuesday, 20 May)

RE: potential requirement/guidelines on acceptable Purpose / Cate g ory combinations Humphrey, Jack (Tuesday, 20 May)

RE: potential requirement/guidelines on acceptable Purpose / Cate g ory combinations Dobbs, Brooks (Monday, 19 May)

RE: potenial requirement/guidelines on acceptable Purpose / Categ ory combinations Humphrey, Jack (Monday, 19 May)

UA: potenial requirement/guidelines on acceptable Purpose / Categ ory combinations Dobbs, Brooks (Friday, 16 May)

UA: minutes of 16 May UA TF call Lorrie Cranor (Friday, 16 May)

UA: Jeremy's comments on high-level questions Lorrie Cranor (Friday, 16 May)

Meeting with Art 29 ITF 23rd May Giles Hogben (Friday, 16 May)

UA: User Agent TF call TODAY, 11 am Lorrie Cranor (Friday, 16 May)

[CC] Minutes of 1st Phone Conf. on Consent Choices 2003/05/15 (Version 1) Matthias Schunter (Thursday, 15 May)

A little survey about Privacy Policies in Web Services (Wednesday, 14 May)

UA: User Agent TF call May 16, 11 am Lorrie Cranor (Saturday, 10 May)

finding p3p-enabled sites on google Lorrie Cranor (Friday, 9 May)

Re: Liberty-P3P Interaction Joseph Reagle (Thursday, 8 May)

Minutes P3P meeting May 7, 2003 Dobbs, Brooks (Wednesday, 7 May)

[Agent/Domain] minutes from initial conference call 4/25/03 Humphrey, Jack (Wednesday, 7 May)

[CC] Kick-off phone conference for the WG on Consent Choices (CC) Matthias Schunter (Wednesday, 7 May)

Rationale for XML Digital Signature Giles Hogben (Tuesday, 6 May)

p3p spec working group call May 7 Lorrie Cranor (Monday, 5 May)

[BH] Added more on definitions, patters, and XLink Joseph Reagle (Friday, 2 May)

[Minutes] of the 30 April 2003 WG Call Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine (Thursday, 1 May)

draft backwards compatibility guidelines Lorrie Cranor (Thursday, 1 May)

RE: [BH] First (Very Rought) Outline of Beyond HTTP (Thursday, 1 May)

Last message date: Wednesday, 28 May 2003 12:29:13 UTC