Re: [BH] First (Very Rought) Outline of Beyond HTTP


Indeed, an interesting paper. However I read it with an eye towards what we 
could apply towards our "P3P Beyond HTTP" work and don't see any immediate 
take-away. However, since I bothered to read it, I figure I might as well 
share my comments: <smile/>
1. Certainly interesting to see this in light of RDF/DAML.
2. From the point of view of user security and privacy, relying upon a 
service ontology as the significant factor in releasing information does 
not give me great confidence. In their example, my credit card is 
considered "free" to anyone that calls themselves a 
AitTransportationService? Perhaps my reaction is unfair or confused, but 
they make the point that their proposal is *not* limited to the Web and 
URIs, which P3P is. I believe that *any* privacy solution, including those 
for Web services, will depend upon some declaration of service identity 
that is associate with some URI -- not merely an association in an 
3. Having been around the course with respect to "negotiation" I prefer to 
use that term to exclusively describe multi-round (interactive) protocols. 
Specifying alternatives in a single transmission can have similar effects, 
but not necessarily as Lorrie and Paul touched on [1].


On Saturday 10 May 2003 09:25, wrote:
> If you are interested in this paper, you can download it
> from
> I
> got the permission from the author.
> >I read an interesting paper recently:
> >
> >    Tumer, A., Dogac. A., Toroslu. H., "A semantic based privacy
> > framework for web
> >    services" WWW'03 workshop on E-Services and the Semantic Web (ESSW
> > 03), Budapest,
> >    Hungary, May 2003.

Joseph Reagle Jr.       
W3C Policy Analyst      
IETF/W3C XML-Signature Co-Chair
W3C XML Encryption Chair

Received on Monday, 12 May 2003 17:47:38 UTC