Re: A little survey about Privacy Policies in Web Services

Hi Joseph and Lorrie,

Thanks a lot for your comments.

Based on different business categories of the ICWS'03 attendees (Question
1), the major purpose of this little survey is to learn:
(a) How many attendees are working on Web services implementation? (Question
(b) Referring to some previous results, how many of them still agree that
security issues are the biggest obstacles to Web services implementation?
(Question 3)
(c) How many of them are aware of privacy issues or P3P in Web services?
(Question 4, 5, and 6)

I am trying to revise the questionnaire as follows:

1. Which business category you are belonging to?

* Industry.
* Academia.
* Government.
* Non-profit Organization.
* Others. Please specify: ___________________

2. Are you involved in any Web services implementation in these years?

* Yes.
* No.

3. Do you agree that security issues (e.g., authentication, authorization,
and etc) are the biggest obstacles to Web services implementation?

* Yes.
* No.
* Not Sure.

4. Are you aware of privacy issues (e.g., privacy policies) in Web services

* Yes.
* No.
* Don't Know.

5. Have you ever heard the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) Project at
the W3C?

* Yes.
* No.
* Not Sure.

6. Have you ever heard any research topic about P3P and Web services?

* Yes.
* No.
* Not Sure.

Any comment/suggestion is highly appreciated. Thanks a lot again!


Received on Sunday, 18 May 2003 07:47:36 UTC