A little survey about Privacy Policies in Web Services

Hi Joseph and P3P members,

I would like to ask help from everybody. I am now planning to
conduct a *little* survey about Web service security and privacy 
at the 2003 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'03) at
Las Vegas in coming June. The ICWS'03 is one of the conferences
held in the 2003 International Multiconference in Computer Science 
& Engineering (http://www.ashland.edu/~iajwa/conferences/).

The tentative motivation of this little survey is to get some info.
about what are the views, suggestions and opinions about security and 
privacy issues from the Web service research community. Based on the
info., the results are expected to help developing the strategic plans 
for related research activities.

I am trying to draft the questions for the Web services privacy part
on the questionnaire, and I think that this *may* be an opportunity 
for "P3P Beyond HTTP Task Force" or even P3P to get a *little* picture 
about what are Web service researchers thinking about privcay policies.

Thus, may I ask for your support and help to do brainstorming with me?
Here are some tentative questions that popping out from my mind so far. 
Would you please take a look and tell me your comments or even suggest 
other questions? No matter it is related to the "P3P Beyond HTTP Task
Force" or not.

Web Service Privacy

Do you know the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) Project at the W3C? 
Yes, No, Don't know.

Do you know the two major concepts in P3P: User Preferences and Privacy
Yes, No, Don't know.

Do you know that P3P is recommended for Web service privacy policies? 
Yes, No, Don't know.

Do you concern whether Web service providers express privacy policies? 
Yes, No, Don't care.

Do you think that UDDI registries should contain privacy policies for Web
services as an option? 
Yes, No, Not Sure.

Do you think that WSDL documents should also contain privacy policies for
Web service as an option? 
Yes, No, Not Sure.

Do you think that privacy issues should be resolved before an interaction
before Web service requestor and provider? 
Yes, No, Not Sure. 

Thank you very much for your kind attention and your comment/suggestion is
highly appreciated.



Received on Tuesday, 13 May 2003 23:53:49 UTC