ANN: New release of GND data from the German National Library and important bugfix in the LinkedData-Service
ASIST seminar on linked data
AW: LLD Web Services
AW: New release of GND data from the German National Library and important bugfix in the LinkedData-Service
AW: Recommendations: URIs
Comments on Benefits section
Fwd: **TUTORIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Introduction to Implementing Ontologies in the Web Ontology Language (OWL)**
Fwd: Second CfP: Second AMICUS Workshop on Motifs in Cultural and Scientific Narratives @ IC-ININFO, Greece - deadline extended to June 30, 2011
LLD Web Services
Question about value vocabularies and range
- Jon Phipps (Saturday, 7 May)
- Young,Jeff (OR) (Saturday, 7 May)
- Young,Jeff (OR) (Saturday, 7 May)
- (Saturday, 7 May)
- Young,Jeff (OR) (Friday, 6 May)
- Karen Coyle (Friday, 6 May)
- Jon Phipps (Friday, 6 May)
- Ford, Kevin (Friday, 6 May)
- Young,Jeff (OR) (Friday, 6 May)
- Karen Coyle (Friday, 6 May)
Ranganathan on change
Recommendation on innovation
Recommendation: Plan for migration
Recommendations: URIs
Relevant technology -- DVRQ?
Review of Draft recommendation page
review of Vocabularies and Datasets Section
SWIB11 Call for Participation (Semantic Web in Libraries, 28.-30.11. in Hamburg)
Last message date: Friday, 27 May 2011 18:42:02 UTC