RE: Question about value vocabularies and range


For the specific example of "language of text", I think that BCP-47 tags
<> would be ideal. This would account
for language, region, and script and a few other facets of language.

It would be nice if we could figure out how to specify BCP-47 in terms
of Dublin Core. One would hope that dc:language and/or dcterms:language
could be configured somehow to accept BCP-47 tokens, but I'm not sure
how. A dc:language solution might look like this:

abox:manifestation1 a frbr:Manifestation;
	dc:language "en-US"^^tbox:BCP-47.

The tbox:BCP-47 datatype would need to be defined using XML Schema
somewhere, but it would be surprising if this was left as an exercise
for the user. Maybe someone knows if such a datatype has already been
defined for BCP-47 somewhere. I suspect not because the permutations of
language facets is quite large.

Alternately, the range on dcterms:language is set to
dcterms:LinguisticSystem, which means the object must be a URI. This
implies a solution like this:

abox:manifestation a frbr:Manifestation;
	dcterms:language tbox:en-US.

tbox:en-US a dcterms:LingusticSystem;
	rdf:value "en-US";
	rdfs:label "US English".

Again, though, I don't know if anyone has already defined this or how
they dealt with the language facet permutation problem.

I know you are asking a more abstract question, but simpler cases than
this could be boiled down the SKOS ConceptSchemes. BCP-47 seems like an
unusual and difficult case, though.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of Karen Coyle
> Sent: Thursday, May 05, 2011 8:34 PM
> To: public-lld
> Subject: Question about value vocabularies and range
> I have a question that MAY be an OWL question, and it MAY be an
> Application Profile question.
> Presume I have an RDF-define property meaning something like "Language
> of text." I would like to say that the values for this property must
> be taken from an EXTERNAL (but URI-identified) list, like ISO 639-n.
> owl:allValuesFrom looks like it's heading in the right direction, but
> can't exactly do this (or if it can, PLEASE explain!).
> This is a pattern that I think we will want to use frequently in
> library data. When I was working on the DCMI Application Profile
> document I ran into exactly this same problem but didn't pursue it
> further.
> All ideas welcome.
> kc
> --
> Karen Coyle
> ph: 1-510-540-7596
> m: 1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet

Received on Friday, 6 May 2011 01:10:24 UTC