from October 2008 by thread

SCOS? Howard Burrows (Thursday, 30 October)

CFP: Classification at a Crossroads, 29-30 October 2009, The Hague Aida Slavic (Friday, 31 October)

Re: ISSUE-180: Last Call Comment: PFWG: skosxl:Label class Alistair Miles (Thursday, 23 October)

Re: ISSUE-186: Last Call Comment: Mappings Alistair Miles (Wednesday, 22 October)

Looking for churches in Paris - skos:broader transitivity and dbpedia categories Bernard Vatant (Tuesday, 21 October)

CFP2: Content Architecture - ISKO UK conference, London, 22-23 June 2009 Aida Slavic (Monday, 20 October)

Encoding classification systems in SKOS: project to develop concept coordination Leonard Will (Sunday, 19 October)

Reminder: 3 November, London - Semantic Analysis Technology Aida Slavic (Wednesday, 15 October)

skos:mappingRelation and skos:semanticRelation Bernard Vatant (Tuesday, 14 October)

How does one "simply" download the SKOS RDF Schema using a regular browser? Bernard Vatant (Friday, 10 October)

Presentation slides from all three NKOS events 2008 available Traugott Koch (Tuesday, 7 October)

SKOS impl update Rob Tice (Monday, 6 October)

Re: Comments on Vocabularies document, v 1.15 (was [Fwd: Vocabularies document RFC period]) Norman Gray (Friday, 3 October)

Semantic Analysis Technology, ISKO UK event - London, 3 Nov 2008 Aida Slavic (Thursday, 2 October)

RE: Scientific and common names in SKOS Sini, Margherita (KCEW) (Wednesday, 1 October)

RE: revisions and change in skos Panzer,Michael (Wednesday, 1 October)

SKOS web site updated Alistair Miles (Wednesday, 1 October)

Re: SKOS: COMMENT: Re: [Mulgara-general] Rules and SKOS Alistair Miles (Wednesday, 1 October)

exact match Rob Tice (Wednesday, 1 October)

Last message date: Friday, 31 October 2008 19:28:37 UTC