from July 2016 by subject

[Minutes] 2016-07-08

[Minutes] 2016-07-15

[Minutes] 2016-07-22 & time line to CR

Agenda for Friday

Agenda for this week's call

Agenda for this week's call sending regrets

Agenda for tomorrow

Agenda for tomorrow's call

AW: Progress on Issue-223 - parameters in DQV

bugs in 5.10 Express the quality of a linkset

Category vs skos:ConceptScheme

Changes in BP Example 15

Clarification in 4.1.2 Property: dataSet

Closing dwbp-action-227

CR Transition preparation

Discussion of DWBP at PING May 26, 2016

DWBP Evidences Form

dwbp-ACTION-287: Set up director's meeting

dwbp-ACTION-288: Launch the implementation form on july 4th

dwbp-ACTION-289: Create a list of implementations for duv

dwbp-ACTION-290: Write to i18n chairs to confirm we got their comments and will respond next week.

dwbp-ACTION-291: Update the document according to comment 15 and send a message to i18n goup

dwbp-ACTION-292: Write a message to i18n group to clarify the comment 13

dwbp-ACTION-293: Update the document according to comment 16 - explain that the text should be tagged

Email Template to send the DWBP Evidences Form

Fwd: DataCube: owl:DisjointWith in ttl file

Fwd: Re: Transition Request: CR for Data on the Web Best Practices

How to express nominal dqv:values?

Recording the CR votes

Tomorrow's agenda online

Transition Request: CR for Data on the Web Best Practices

typo in 4.3 Class: Dimension: "dqv:inDimension"

Use prefix dqv: instead of empty prefix

vann:preferredNamespaceUri - attn: Bernadette, Eric, Sumit

Last message date: Sunday, 31 July 2016 23:09:49 UTC