[Minutes] 2016-07-22 & time line to CR

As ever, the minutes of today's meeting are at 
https://www.w3.org/2016/07/22-dwbp-minutes and copied below as text.

We talked about the reviews from the I18N community and the time line 
from now on. A *possible* time line is:

* Editors work through I18N comments and the one from Rob Sanderson. 
Issues look resolvable but any questions will be raised on the list 
and/or in next week's call.

* The hope is that we can re-resolve to seek transition to Candidate Rec 
no later than Friday 5 August.

* A possible date and time for the Director call is immediately after 
that WG call on 5 August.

Meanwhile... I take my leave of you for 3 weeks. I will be offline from 
no later than Monday afternoon. Back on Tuesday 16th.

Therefore, if I am to prepare the doc for publication - I hope with both 
the vocabs as well as the BP doc - the publication date will be Thursday 
18th August.



       Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference

22 Jul 2016


       [2] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160722

    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/22-dwbp-irc


           deirdrelee, hadleybeeman, phila, RiccardoAlbertoni,
           yaso, laufer, Caroline_

           Annette, Newton, Antoine, EricS, Bernadette




      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Comments from I18N
          2. [6]last week's minutes
          3. [7]I18N comments
      * [8]Summary of Action Items
      * [9]Summary of Resolutions

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> hi all!

    <yaso> Hi! I'm in a place with lots of background noise so I
    muted myself

Comments from I18N

    <phila> deirdrelee: Will we need another vote after the

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> hi all

    <phila> phila: It feels as if we should wait until the
    commnetsd have been addressed and then vote for CR again

    <scribe> scribenick: hadleybeeman

    <deirdrelee> Agenda:

      [10] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Meetings:Telecon20160722

    <deirdrelee> PROPOSED: Accept minutes from last week's meeting

      [11] https://www.w3.org/2016/07/15-dwbp-minutes.html

last week's minutes

    <deirdrelee> +1

    <yaso> +1

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1

    <phila> +1


    <Caroline_> Hello! :)

    <deirdrelee> APPROVED: Accept minutes from last week's meeting

      [12] https://www.w3.org/2016/07/15-dwbp-minutes.html

    deirdrelee: Any BP editors on the call?

    <Caroline_> yes! :)

    deirdrelee: don't seem to; only on IRC
    ... Okay, so I presume no one has had a chance to look at the
    I18N comments?
    ... They have come in in the last hour.
    ... Good that they've arrived when expected.
    ... Next step: from the editors, tell us when we can look at
    them, review them and address them.
    ... Ideally ASAP, but need to be realistic.
    ... We
    ... We'd planned to have the transition call on Monday coming,
    but don't think we'll be able to.

    <Makx> I just had a look at I18N comments

    <Makx> Most editorial

    deirdrelee: Instead, I think we'll need this week to look at
    them, address the comments, vote again on the version of the BP
    doc that includes the update, and then have the director's

    Caroline_: Thanks, deirdrelee.
    ... Newton and Bernadette send their regrets for today's call.
    ... Would the chairs and Phil help us with this review? To have
    another point of view?
    ... How long do we have to do it? I know as soon as possible,
    and we will try to do it by next week, but with the summer
    vacation in Europe... Will we be able to have the directors'
    call the following week?

    <Makx> Not sure I agree with criticism that Library of Congress
    URI have 'limitations or problems'

    Caroline_: We can't do the 3rd week of August.

    deirdrelee: we'll create a doodle poll and find a time that
    suits everyone, for the director's call
    ... Re the comments, most are editorial/very minor. Maybe
    instead of having lots of people look, if the editors could
    look first and pull out the more difficult/complex issues -- we
    can discuss them by email?

    Caroline_: Awesome. Thank you.

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 to deirdrelee's proposal

    <yaso> +1 to Deirdre also

    phila: Yes, I think the comments are mostly editorial. But when
    you look in detail, you may find some more complex.
    ... I'm not able to help for the next three weeks.
    ... I think it will take at least a week to go through the
    ... By this time next week, you may have issues you want to
    ... At the moment, we're trying to get TimBL. His availability
    is limited.
    ... By the time the group has worked through those comments, it
    will probably be a week. Best case scenario, you vote on two
    weeks from today.
    ... No minimum number for that vote.
    ... But not looking at candidate rec until three weeks' time.
    ... So even if we have to wait for the directors' call, that's
    probably okay.
    ... You don't need me for the director's call. deirdrelee, if
    you can set one up that would be great.
    ... It's about the chairs and the editors.

    deirdrelee: I think it's important before we have that call
    that we do address those issues and have another vote.
    ... Re extension for the wg, do we have to do anything else?

    phila: No; I expect to put that request in after the transition

    deirdrelee: even though that's outside of our charter?

    phila: I think that will be okay.

    deirdrelee: Any other comments?

    hadleybeeman: Sounds good to me

    <Caroline_> :)

    deirdrelee: Re rest of our time... Start looking into I18N
    comments? Or talk about implementations?
    ... Though might be difficult without Bernadette and Newton

    Caroline_: We could start with the I18N comments, but if you
    don't mind, discussing implementations first would be easier.

    deirdrelee: Okay
    ... Re implementations, we just wanted feedback on progress.
    Any issues or problems?

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> \me bye Makx


      [13] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Dwbp-LC-implementationreport

    Caroline_: I have to apologise; until yesterday I couldn't send
    an email about it. So I did my action, I wrote an email with
    the links for the implementation report


      [14] https://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/wiki/Dwbp-LC-implementationreport.PT

    Caroline_: Like deirdrelee did for the call for review.



    Caroline_: I did it in English and in Portuguese.
    ... Comments welcome
    ... Instead of building a table in the wiki, I kept the google
    docs we did in Zagreb.
    ... I sent the email to nic.br here.
    ... We will get evidence from them.
    ... Today, I will send it to a lot of the people in the google
    docs spreadsheet.
    ... You're welcome to join me in doing that.
    ... I put the deadline in for a week from now. Not sure if its
    too sure? Here where it isn't summer, it's fine. We don't
    really stop in July.
    ... So I think we might have good implementations. I'm sure
    laufer will help with focus datasets.

    deirdrelee: The list of institutions... is that based on
    feedback already? Or just organisations that have expressed

    Caroline_: Only organisations that have expressed interest. But
    I haven't updated it.
    ... If you could help me with the contacts you have, that would
    be appreciated.

    phila: Fantastic, thank you Caroline_. Just wanted to share: we
    said that guidance does;t count as implementations, which is
    probably right -- but I wanted to share what's happening at

    <phila> -> www.w3.org/2013/share-psi/lg/ Share-PSI Localised

    phila: that page needs work on presentation, but the info on it
    is still useful.
    ... there is a long list there of localised guides. Produced by
    the relevant government ministry, saying 'this is how we do
    open data in this administration'.
    ... In each case, there is a list of the best practices, with a
    link to where it is in those guides, that says "you should do
    this". Sometimes it's a specific reference to our BP; sometimes
    it's just the same idea.
    ... At the bottom is a table

    <Caroline_> looks great, Phil!

    phila: Showing all this.
    ... The one with the fewest implementations has 6. Highest has
    ... That's a definite endorsement of our work.
    ... This isn't what we're looking for; I don't want to change
    what the BP editors have been working on.

    <phila> [16]Share-PSI DWBP cross ref


    phila: But I've also asked this people to fill in a google
    spreadsheet which tries to do something similar with our stuff.
    ... You'll see where our BP is cited directly, or the info in
    their guideline is consistent with what we're saying.

    <Caroline_> very nice!!!

    phila: I know it doesn't count as an implementation, but I
    think this is useful evidence to back up what we're saying.

    deirdrelee: That's really good.

    phila: that page has had me writing a 1400-line JSON file by

    <yaso> Yes it is :-)

    phila: That page has had me writing a 1400-line JSON file by
    ... There is just no consistency. You end up doing it all by

    deirdrelee: We could use this research to add to the list of
    people we are going to contact, to ask for implementations.
    ... To write to? I'd bet they have some good ones.

    <Caroline_> +1 to deirdrelee suggestion

    hadleybeeman: Good thought

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> A question: when is the latest deadline for
    submitting implementations?

    <phila> [17]My JSOn file

      [17] https://www.w3.org/2013/share-psi/bp/implementations.json

    deirdrelee: any other feedback? Caroline_, what do you want us
    to do?

    Caroline_: Re deadline: the email template says Friday 29 July.



    Caroline_: to have as many evidence forms as possible completed
    and returned to us.

    <Caroline_> Evidence Form [19]http://w3c.br/form-dwbp/

      [19] http://w3c.br/form-dwbp/

    Caroline_: So we send emails ASAP, and have as many forms
    completed as we can by 29 July.
    ... I'm not sure if you can send this email until Monday, but I
    can do it at least. I can then follow up after. It's my

    deirdrelee: Given the reshuffling of things that are going on,
    transitioning the BP document etc., I think maybe aiming for
    the 29th of July is soon.
    ... And I'm not sure we need to do that. the group is
    continuing on, and it's holiday time, and this week our
    priority is the I18N comments.

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> I completely agree with deirdrelee ;)

    deirdrelee: We should definitely start this week -- but we do
    want to give people enough time to respond.

    <Caroline_> ok

    deirdrelee: I think we could put the deadline at the end of

    <Caroline_> what date do you suggest? I think it is important
    to send a deadline in the email

    phila: There is no rush. the thing that makes this group
    unusual is the strong presence of southern hemisphere
    ... Europe and America are in shutdown between now and end of
    ... So I agree, we need to concentrate on the I18N comments.
    ... So for implementations, it probably will be the end of
    August. And that's okay.

    <Caroline_> okay! Thank you!!

    phila: So there's no rush to get those implementation reports.
    Once we're in CR, we'll have at least 4 weeks to complete this.
    ... The pressure is to get to where we are. We've done that.
    ... If we were still rewriting, and needed a new working draft
    next week, we'd be in trouble. but we're not.

    deirdrelee: Okay. based on that, let's focus the I18N comments
    this week and scheduling the director's call.
    ... We can keep going with implementations and Caroline_, you
    can remind us all to keep at it. but we can do that over the
    next month or two.

    Caroline_: thank you very much. should we put a deadline on the

    hadleybeeman: Yes please

    Caroline_: Which deadline then? I put 29 July, so we are
    changing it to...?

    hadleybeeman: If we need to be in CR for a minimum of four
    weeks... and if we start that in three weeks (the week
    beginning the 15th)

    phila: so if those CR docs go out on thursday 18 August, then
    the earliest that CR would end is Friday 16 September.
    ... so if Caroline_ is asking for a deadline, I would say the
    end of August is difficult for Europe.
    ... I think you need to go into September. So Thursday 15 sept
    is realistic.
    ... so on our call on Friday the 16th, we could see if we had
    enough info.

    deirdrelee: I think we're talking about two different
    deadlines. 1) When do we the working group send out emails to
    invite implementation feedback? 2) when do we need feedback
    ... On the 1), I think 5 August would be good. And then for 2),
    15 september.

    phila: Thank you.

    Caroline_: thank you
    ... One more thing: I'm just dreaming here, but maybe what
    would happen if we got two implementations for each BP from

    phila: that's okay

    hadleybeeman: I would imagine the director would ask about it,
    but officially it's within the rules.

    deirdrelee: Having two implementations is a minimum. We want to
    prove that these are adopted widely.

    <phila> [20]Confirms 4 week minimum for CR

      [20] https://www.w3.org/2015/Process-20150901/#candidate-rec

    deirdrelee: So having more examples of some is great. We can
    record all of that.

I18N comments

    deirdrelee: Caroline_, it might be useful to thank them and
    tell them we're working on it today.

    Caroline_: sure; I'll do that.

    <scribe> ACTION: caroline to write to I18N chairs to confirm we
    got their comments and will respond next week. [recorded in

      [21] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/22-dwbp-minutes.html#action01]

    <trackbot> Created ACTION-290 - Write to i18n chairs to confirm
    we got their comments and will respond next week. [on Caroline
    Burle - due 2016-07-29].

    phila: I think we can close Newton's action 288

    <deirdrelee> action-268

    <trackbot> action-268 -- Antoine Isaac to Add intro to daq in
    the dqv -- due 2016-03-22 -- OPEN

    <trackbot> [22]http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/268

      [22] http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/268

    phila: and the other one to look at: action 268
    ... RiccardoAlbertoni, any comments?

    RiccardoAlbertoni: I'm not sure if Antoine has taken it. I
    should check.

    phila: Okay
    ... Other action (287) is on me to set up the director's call,
    which I can't do yet;

    deirdrelee: Let's go back to I18N issues
    ... Any that jump out at us? Anyone had a chance to consider
    one in any detail?
    ... Caroline_, any big concerns here?

    Caroline_: I haven't seen the emails yet. sorry.
    ... I thought I could have some input from all of you today

    deirdrelee: There really wasn't time before the call, was
    ... Okay. If there is no other business, let's end the call

    RiccardoAlbertoni: I checked with Antoine; he finished action
    268, so we can close it.

    close action-268

    <trackbot> Closed action-268.

    RiccardoAlbertoni: There is an email from Jeremy saying it is
    fine for him, how we solved this.

    deirdrelee: and we close action 288 as well?

    <deirdrelee> action-288

    <trackbot> action-288 -- Newton Calegari to Launch the
    implementation form on july 4th -- due 2016-07-08 -- OPEN

    <trackbot> [23]http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/288

      [23] http://www.w3.org/2013/dwbp/track/actions/288

    close action-288

    <trackbot> Closed action-288.

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> great!

    deirdrelee: thanks, all! Let's close the meeting;

    <RiccardoAlbertoni> thanks all!

    deirdrelee: I'll continue sorting the director's call. Aiming
    for two weeks from now.

    <Caroline_> thank you so much!!!

    phila: I should know when philippe le hagret is back -- when
    that happens, he'll do it rather than TimBL.
    ... I'll find out in a minute. My guess is it will be then.
    It's all done in tim's name, but he's very busy.

    Caroline_: call next week?

    hadleybeeman: Yes, I think so

    deirdrelee: We can have one just to check in

    Caroline_: Thanks!

Summary of Action Items

    [NEW] ACTION: caroline to write to I18N chairs to confirm we
    got their comments and will respond next week. [recorded in

      [24] http://www.w3.org/2016/07/22-dwbp-minutes.html#action01

Summary of Resolutions

    [End of minutes]

Received on Friday, 22 July 2016 17:20:53 UTC