Re: [Minutes] 2016-07-22 & time line to CR

Thanks a lot Phil.

Enjoy the break, you've definitely earned it!


On 22/07/2016 18:22, Phil Archer wrote:
> As ever, the minutes of today's meeting are at 
> and copied below as text.
> We talked about the reviews from the I18N community and the time line 
> from now on. A *possible* time line is:
> * Editors work through I18N comments and the one from Rob Sanderson. 
> Issues look resolvable but any questions will be raised on the list 
> and/or in next week's call.
> * The hope is that we can re-resolve to seek transition to Candidate 
> Rec no later than Friday 5 August.
> * A possible date and time for the Director call is immediately after 
> that WG call on 5 August.
> Meanwhile... I take my leave of you for 3 weeks. I will be offline 
> from no later than Monday afternoon. Back on Tuesday 16th.
> Therefore, if I am to prepare the doc for publication - I hope with 
> both the vocabs as well as the BP doc - the publication date will be 
> Thursday 18th August.
> Cheers
> Phil.
>       Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group Teleconference
> 22 Jul 2016
>    [2]Agenda
>       [2]
>    See also: [3]IRC log
>       [3]
> Attendees
>    Present
>           deirdrelee, hadleybeeman, phila, RiccardoAlbertoni,
>           yaso, laufer, Caroline_
>    Regrets
>           Annette, Newton, Antoine, EricS, Bernadette
>    Chair
>           deirdrelee
>    Scribe
>           hadleybeeman
> Contents
>      * [4]Topics
>          1. [5]Comments from I18N
>          2. [6]last week's minutes
>          3. [7]I18N comments
>      * [8]Summary of Action Items
>      * [9]Summary of Resolutions
>      __________________________________________________________
>    <RiccardoAlbertoni> hi all!
>    <yaso> Hi! I'm in a place with lots of background noise so I
>    muted myself
> Comments from I18N
>    <phila> deirdrelee: Will we need another vote after the
>    changes?
>    <RiccardoAlbertoni> hi all
>    <phila> phila: It feels as if we should wait until the
>    commnetsd have been addressed and then vote for CR again
>    <scribe> scribenick: hadleybeeman
>    <deirdrelee> Agenda:
>    [10]
>      [10]
>    <deirdrelee> PROPOSED: Accept minutes from last week's meeting
>    [11]
>      [11]
> last week's minutes
>    <deirdrelee> +1
>    <yaso> +1
>    <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1
>    <phila> +1
>    +1
>    <Caroline_> Hello! :)
>    <deirdrelee> APPROVED: Accept minutes from last week's meeting
>    [12]
>      [12]
>    deirdrelee: Any BP editors on the call?
>    <Caroline_> yes! :)
>    deirdrelee: don't seem to; only on IRC
>    ... Okay, so I presume no one has had a chance to look at the
>    I18N comments?
>    ... They have come in in the last hour.
>    ... Good that they've arrived when expected.
>    ... Next step: from the editors, tell us when we can look at
>    them, review them and address them.
>    ... Ideally ASAP, but need to be realistic.
>    ... We
>    ... We'd planned to have the transition call on Monday coming,
>    but don't think we'll be able to.
>    <Makx> I just had a look at I18N comments
>    <Makx> Most editorial
>    deirdrelee: Instead, I think we'll need this week to look at
>    them, address the comments, vote again on the version of the BP
>    doc that includes the update, and then have the director's
>    call.
>    Caroline_: Thanks, deirdrelee.
>    ... Newton and Bernadette send their regrets for today's call.
>    ... Would the chairs and Phil help us with this review? To have
>    another point of view?
>    ... How long do we have to do it? I know as soon as possible,
>    and we will try to do it by next week, but with the summer
>    vacation in Europe... Will we be able to have the directors'
>    call the following week?
>    <Makx> Not sure I agree with criticism that Library of Congress
>    URI have 'limitations or problems'
>    Caroline_: We can't do the 3rd week of August.
>    deirdrelee: we'll create a doodle poll and find a time that
>    suits everyone, for the director's call
>    ... Re the comments, most are editorial/very minor. Maybe
>    instead of having lots of people look, if the editors could
>    look first and pull out the more difficult/complex issues -- we
>    can discuss them by email?
>    Caroline_: Awesome. Thank you.
>    <RiccardoAlbertoni> +1 to deirdrelee's proposal
>    <yaso> +1 to Deirdre also
>    phila: Yes, I think the comments are mostly editorial. But when
>    you look in detail, you may find some more complex.
>    ... I'm not able to help for the next three weeks.
>    ... I think it will take at least a week to go through the
>    comments.
>    ... By this time next week, you may have issues you want to
>    raise.
>    ... At the moment, we're trying to get TimBL. His availability
>    is limited.
>    ... By the time the group has worked through those comments, it
>    will probably be a week. Best case scenario, you vote on two
>    weeks from today.
>    ... No minimum number for that vote.
>    ... But not looking at candidate rec until three weeks' time.
>    ... So even if we have to wait for the directors' call, that's
>    probably okay.
>    ... You don't need me for the director's call. deirdrelee, if
>    you can set one up that would be great.
>    ... It's about the chairs and the editors.
>    deirdrelee: I think it's important before we have that call
>    that we do address those issues and have another vote.
>    ... Re extension for the wg, do we have to do anything else?
>    phila: No; I expect to put that request in after the transition
>    call.
>    deirdrelee: even though that's outside of our charter?
>    phila: I think that will be okay.
>    deirdrelee: Any other comments?
>    hadleybeeman: Sounds good to me
>    <Caroline_> :)
>    deirdrelee: Re rest of our time... Start looking into I18N
>    comments? Or talk about implementations?
>    ... Though might be difficult without Bernadette and Newton
>    Caroline_: We could start with the I18N comments, but if you
>    don't mind, discussing implementations first would be easier.
>    deirdrelee: Okay
>    ... Re implementations, we just wanted feedback on progress.
>    Any issues or problems?
>    <RiccardoAlbertoni> \me bye Makx
>    <Caroline_>
>    [13]
>    ort
>      [13]
>    Caroline_: I have to apologise; until yesterday I couldn't send
>    an email about it. So I did my action, I wrote an email with
>    the links for the implementation report
>    <Caroline_>
>    [14]
>    ort.PT
>      [14] 
>    Caroline_: Like deirdrelee did for the call for review.
>    <Caroline_>
>    [15]
>    Vgrgx1YARdauBQBy9jSJXgDQ/edit#gid=0
>      [15] 
>    Caroline_: I did it in English and in Portuguese.
>    ... Comments welcome
>    ... Instead of building a table in the wiki, I kept the google
>    docs we did in Zagreb.
>    ... I sent the email to here.
>    ... We will get evidence from them.
>    ... Today, I will send it to a lot of the people in the google
>    docs spreadsheet.
>    ... You're welcome to join me in doing that.
>    ... I put the deadline in for a week from now. Not sure if its
>    too sure? Here where it isn't summer, it's fine. We don't
>    really stop in July.
>    ... So I think we might have good implementations. I'm sure
>    laufer will help with focus datasets.
>    deirdrelee: The list of institutions... is that based on
>    feedback already? Or just organisations that have expressed
>    interest.
>    Caroline_: Only organisations that have expressed interest. But
>    I haven't updated it.
>    ... If you could help me with the contacts you have, that would
>    be appreciated.
>    phila: Fantastic, thank you Caroline_. Just wanted to share: we
>    said that guidance does;t count as implementations, which is
>    probably right -- but I wanted to share what's happening at
>    SharePSI.
>    <phila> -> Share-PSI Localised
>    Guides
>    phila: that page needs work on presentation, but the info on it
>    is still useful.
>    ... there is a long list there of localised guides. Produced by
>    the relevant government ministry, saying 'this is how we do
>    open data in this administration'.
>    ... In each case, there is a list of the best practices, with a
>    link to where it is in those guides, that says "you should do
>    this". Sometimes it's a specific reference to our BP; sometimes
>    it's just the same idea.
>    ... At the bottom is a table
>    <Caroline_> looks great, Phil!
>    phila: Showing all this.
>    ... The one with the fewest implementations has 6. Highest has
>    23.
>    ... That's a definite endorsement of our work.
>    ... This isn't what we're looking for; I don't want to change
>    what the BP editors have been working on.
>    <phila> [16]Share-PSI DWBP cross ref
>      [16] 
>    phila: But I've also asked this people to fill in a google
>    spreadsheet which tries to do something similar with our stuff.
>    ... You'll see where our BP is cited directly, or the info in
>    their guideline is consistent with what we're saying.
>    <Caroline_> very nice!!!
>    phila: I know it doesn't count as an implementation, but I
>    think this is useful evidence to back up what we're saying.
>    deirdrelee: That's really good.
>    phila: that page has had me writing a 1400-line JSON file by
>    hand
>    <yaso> Yes it is :-)
>    phila: That page has had me writing a 1400-line JSON file by
>    hand
>    ... There is just no consistency. You end up doing it all by
>    hand.
>    deirdrelee: We could use this research to add to the list of
>    people we are going to contact, to ask for implementations.
>    ... To write to? I'd bet they have some good ones.
>    <Caroline_> +1 to deirdrelee suggestion
>    hadleybeeman: Good thought
>    <RiccardoAlbertoni> A question: when is the latest deadline for
>    submitting implementations?
>    <phila> [17]My JSOn file
>      [17]
>    deirdrelee: any other feedback? Caroline_, what do you want us
>    to do?
>    Caroline_: Re deadline: the email template says Friday 29 July.
>    <deirdrelee>
>    [18]
>    Vgrgx1YARdauBQBy9jSJXgDQ/edit#gid=0
>      [18] 
>    Caroline_: to have as many evidence forms as possible completed
>    and returned to us.
>    <Caroline_> Evidence Form [19]
>      [19]
>    Caroline_: So we send emails ASAP, and have as many forms
>    completed as we can by 29 July.
>    ... I'm not sure if you can send this email until Monday, but I
>    can do it at least. I can then follow up after. It's my
>    priority.
>    deirdrelee: Given the reshuffling of things that are going on,
>    transitioning the BP document etc., I think maybe aiming for
>    the 29th of July is soon.
>    ... And I'm not sure we need to do that. the group is
>    continuing on, and it's holiday time, and this week our
>    priority is the I18N comments.
>    <RiccardoAlbertoni> I completely agree with deirdrelee ;)
>    deirdrelee: We should definitely start this week -- but we do
>    want to give people enough time to respond.
>    <Caroline_> ok
>    deirdrelee: I think we could put the deadline at the end of
>    August.
>    <Caroline_> what date do you suggest? I think it is important
>    to send a deadline in the email
>    phila: There is no rush. the thing that makes this group
>    unusual is the strong presence of southern hemisphere
>    participation.
>    ... Europe and America are in shutdown between now and end of
>    august.
>    ... So I agree, we need to concentrate on the I18N comments.
>    ... So for implementations, it probably will be the end of
>    August. And that's okay.
>    <Caroline_> okay! Thank you!!
>    phila: So there's no rush to get those implementation reports.
>    Once we're in CR, we'll have at least 4 weeks to complete this.
>    ... The pressure is to get to where we are. We've done that.
>    ... If we were still rewriting, and needed a new working draft
>    next week, we'd be in trouble. but we're not.
>    deirdrelee: Okay. based on that, let's focus the I18N comments
>    this week and scheduling the director's call.
>    ... We can keep going with implementations and Caroline_, you
>    can remind us all to keep at it. but we can do that over the
>    next month or two.
>    Caroline_: thank you very much. should we put a deadline on the
>    email?
>    hadleybeeman: Yes please
>    Caroline_: Which deadline then? I put 29 July, so we are
>    changing it to...?
>    hadleybeeman: If we need to be in CR for a minimum of four
>    weeks... and if we start that in three weeks (the week
>    beginning the 15th)
>    phila: so if those CR docs go out on thursday 18 August, then
>    the earliest that CR would end is Friday 16 September.
>    ... so if Caroline_ is asking for a deadline, I would say the
>    end of August is difficult for Europe.
>    ... I think you need to go into September. So Thursday 15 sept
>    is realistic.
>    ... so on our call on Friday the 16th, we could see if we had
>    enough info.
>    deirdrelee: I think we're talking about two different
>    deadlines. 1) When do we the working group send out emails to
>    invite implementation feedback? 2) when do we need feedback
>    back?
>    ... On the 1), I think 5 August would be good. And then for 2),
>    15 september.
>    phila: Thank you.
>    Caroline_: thank you
>    ... One more thing: I'm just dreaming here, but maybe what
>    would happen if we got two implementations for each BP from
>    Brazil?
>    phila: that's okay
>    hadleybeeman: I would imagine the director would ask about it,
>    but officially it's within the rules.
>    deirdrelee: Having two implementations is a minimum. We want to
>    prove that these are adopted widely.
>    <phila> [20]Confirms 4 week minimum for CR
>      [20]
>    deirdrelee: So having more examples of some is great. We can
>    record all of that.
> I18N comments
>    deirdrelee: Caroline_, it might be useful to thank them and
>    tell them we're working on it today.
>    Caroline_: sure; I'll do that.
>    <scribe> ACTION: caroline to write to I18N chairs to confirm we
>    got their comments and will respond next week. [recorded in
>    [21]]
>      [21]]
>    <trackbot> Created ACTION-290 - Write to i18n chairs to confirm
>    we got their comments and will respond next week. [on Caroline
>    Burle - due 2016-07-29].
>    phila: I think we can close Newton's action 288
>    <deirdrelee> action-268
>    <trackbot> action-268 -- Antoine Isaac to Add intro to daq in
>    the dqv -- due 2016-03-22 -- OPEN
>    <trackbot> [22]
>      [22]
>    phila: and the other one to look at: action 268
>    ... RiccardoAlbertoni, any comments?
>    RiccardoAlbertoni: I'm not sure if Antoine has taken it. I
>    should check.
>    phila: Okay
>    ... Other action (287) is on me to set up the director's call,
>    which I can't do yet;
>    deirdrelee: Let's go back to I18N issues
>    ... Any that jump out at us? Anyone had a chance to consider
>    one in any detail?
>    ... Caroline_, any big concerns here?
>    Caroline_: I haven't seen the emails yet. sorry.
>    ... I thought I could have some input from all of you today
>    deirdrelee: There really wasn't time before the call, was
>    there.
>    ... Okay. If there is no other business, let's end the call
>    early?
>    RiccardoAlbertoni: I checked with Antoine; he finished action
>    268, so we can close it.
>    close action-268
>    <trackbot> Closed action-268.
>    RiccardoAlbertoni: There is an email from Jeremy saying it is
>    fine for him, how we solved this.
>    deirdrelee: and we close action 288 as well?
>    <deirdrelee> action-288
>    <trackbot> action-288 -- Newton Calegari to Launch the
>    implementation form on july 4th -- due 2016-07-08 -- OPEN
>    <trackbot> [23]
>      [23]
>    close action-288
>    <trackbot> Closed action-288.
>    <RiccardoAlbertoni> great!
>    deirdrelee: thanks, all! Let's close the meeting;
>    <RiccardoAlbertoni> thanks all!
>    deirdrelee: I'll continue sorting the director's call. Aiming
>    for two weeks from now.
>    <Caroline_> thank you so much!!!
>    phila: I should know when philippe le hagret is back -- when
>    that happens, he'll do it rather than TimBL.
>    ... I'll find out in a minute. My guess is it will be then.
>    It's all done in tim's name, but he's very busy.
>    Caroline_: call next week?
>    hadleybeeman: Yes, I think so
>    deirdrelee: We can have one just to check in
>    Caroline_: Thanks!
> Summary of Action Items
>    [NEW] ACTION: caroline to write to I18N chairs to confirm we
>    got their comments and will respond next week. [recorded in
>    [24]]
>      [24]
> Summary of Resolutions
>    [End of minutes]
>      __________________________________________________________

Deirdre Lee, CEO & Founder
Derilinx - Linked & Open Data Solutions
Address:  11/12 Baggot Court, Dublin 2, D02 F891
Tel:      +353 (0)1 254 4316
Mob:      +353 (0)87 417 2318
Twitter:  @deirdrelee

Received on Friday, 22 July 2016 19:21:39 UTC