www-xsl-fo@w3.org from November 2001 by subject

[FO] Page Number positions

A question about fo:block and linebreaks

ANN: Hands-on XSLFO tutorial in Orlando December 10 is at risk

ANN: XEP 2.7 evaluation version available

ANN: XSLT/XPath and XSLFO Training Nov. 26-28,29-30 in Washington D.C.

Announce: Upcoming XSL stylesheet and XML training (Nov. 2001)

Any good examples of XSLT eg processing stuff like looping etc - newbie

Beginner's font question

extract attribut value

FO Leader (Newbie) Question

FO Newbie: table-Row

FO: Newbie - Forcing data onto the next page

FO: Newbie - Forcing data onto the next page cont .....

FOP FO to MIF transformation not working?

forcing line breaks

How to avoid using too much memory to create relatively large PDF file

keep-attributes for columns

Keep-with-next - when will is keep

Memory usage & performance for large XML files

Multiple page-sequence

ok, massive dilemma, please help!!


Please help generating a fo from a xml and xsl

PLease help...page rows being split

print current date and time

print current date and time (fwd)

question about embedding FOP

text flow


XSL-FO and Word

xsl:fo and tabulations

Last message date: Friday, 30 November 2001 10:01:23 UTC