www-dom-ts@w3.org from July 2002 by thread

build.xml and dom3-combine updated for July WD's Curt Arnold (Wednesday, 31 July)

dom1.dtd not in CVS Joe Schafer (Tuesday, 30 July)

Additional HTML tests added Rick Rivello (Tuesday, 30 July)

Changes in the DOM TS Process Document Philippe Le Hegaret (Thursday, 25 July)

企业商务好消息 Re@w3.org (Monday, 22 July)

Action items status Dimitris Dimitriadis (Wednesday, 17 July)

getElementById and getElementsByName tests Rick Rivello (Wednesday, 17 July)

HTMLTableElement31.xml Rick Rivello (Tuesday, 9 July)

DOM HTML Level2 07/08/02 Rick Rivello (Monday, 8 July)

DOM Level1 and Level2 test additions and corrections 07/03/02 Rick Rivello (Wednesday, 3 July)

index_size_err exception tests Rick Rivello (Tuesday, 2 July)

DOM L1 HTML Curt Arnold (Monday, 1 July)

Last message date: Wednesday, 31 July 2002 17:06:19 UTC