
I have looked at the test HTMLTableElement31.xml
and noticed that the description did not fit the test.
What the test was supposed to do was test the
section of the spec that says

"In addition, when the table is empty the
row is inserted into a TBODY
which is created and inserted into the table."

The file table1 that is loaded has a non-empty
table element.  I created a new table element
that was empty and inserted the new row.

Before I commit the changes I could
someone take a look at the test and see
if I'm properly testing this portion of the spec.

New HTMLTableElement31.xml(below)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Copyright (c) 2001 World Wide Web Consortium, 
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de
Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University).  All 
Rights Reserved.  This program is distributed under the W3C's Software
Intellectual Property License.  This program is distributed in the 
hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even

See W3C License for more details.

<!DOCTYPE test SYSTEM "dom2.dtd">
<test xmlns="" name="HTMLTableElement31">
    The insertRow() method inserts a new empty table row.  In addition, when
    the table is empty the row is inserted into a TBODY which is created
    and inserted into the table.
    Load the table1 file which has a non-empty table element.
    Create an empty TABLE element and append to the document.
    Check to make sure that the empty TABLE element doesn't
    have a TBODY element.  Insert a new row into the empty
    TABLE element.  Check for existence of the a TBODY element
    in the table.
<contributor>Rick Rivello</contributor>
<date qualifier="created">2002-05-02</date>
<subject resource=""/>
<var name="nodeList" type="NodeList"/>
<var name="tableList" type="NodeList"/>
<var name="testNode" type="Node"/>
<var name="tableNode" type="Node"/>
<var name="tbodiesnodeList" type="HTMLCollection"/>
<var name="newRow" type="HTMLElement"/>
<var name="doc" type="Document"/>
<var name="table" type="Element"/>
<var name="tbodiesLength" type="int"/>
<load var="doc" href="table1" willBeModified="true"/>
<getElementsByTagName interface="Document" obj="doc" var="nodeList" tagname='"table"'/>
<assertSize collection="nodeList" size="1" id="tableSize1"/>
<item interface="NodeList" obj="nodeList" index="0" var="testNode"/>
<tBodies interface="HTMLTableElement" obj="testNode" var="tbodiesnodeList"/>
<length var="tbodiesLength" obj="tbodiesnodeList" interface="HTMLCollection"/>
<assertEquals actual="tbodiesLength" expected="1" id="Asize2" ignoreCase="false"/>
<childNodes obj="testNode" var="tableList"/>
<createElement obj="doc" var="table" tagName='"table"'/>
<appendChild obj="testNode" newChild="table" var="tableNode"/>
<getElementsByTagName interface="Document" obj="doc" var="nodeList" tagname='"table"'/>
<assertSize collection="nodeList" size="2" id="tableSize2"/>
<tBodies interface="HTMLTableElement" obj="tableNode" var="tbodiesnodeList"/>
<length var="tbodiesLength" obj="tbodiesnodeList" interface="HTMLCollection"/>
<assertEquals actual="tbodiesLength" expected="0" id="Asize3" ignoreCase="false"/>
<insertRow interface="HTMLTableElement" obj="tableNode" var="newRow" index="0"/>
<tBodies interface="HTMLTableElement" obj="tableNode" var="tbodiesnodeList"/>
<length var="tbodiesLength" obj="tbodiesnodeList" interface="HTMLCollection"/>
<assertEquals actual="tbodiesLength" expected="1" id="Asize4" ignoreCase="false"/>

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2002 12:50:31 UTC