dom1.dtd not in CVS

I pulled a copy of the test suite from CVS and noticed that the
dom1.dtd file is not there.  It was in the previous release in the
"test" directory.  And at lease some (if not all) of the tests currently

in CVS reference the DTD.

If it's not going to be supported anymore, the references need to
be removed.  If it is to be supported, the DTD need to be placed
in CVS.

This brings up some good questions: Can the current tests in CVS
(for at least core level 1 tests) be validated against dom1.dtd
from the previous release ????  Will this be supported in the
future ????  What about level 2 ???  Has the definition of the
test files changed to support level 2 ???

In any case, I a building a test harness for the test suite and I need a

good definition of the contents of the test files so I can build the
generator.  Is there such a definition in CVS or elsewhere ?????

Joe Schafer

Received on Tuesday, 30 July 2002 15:09:14 UTC