from April 2009 by subject

[cgmo-webcgm] WebCGM vF2F, 27-29 April

[Minutes] WebCGM Telecon 2009-04-27 (vF2F day 1)

[Minutes] WebCGM Telecon 2009-04-28 (vF2F day 2)

[Minutes] WebCGM Telecon 2009-04-29 (vF2F day 3)

ACI test updated

Agenda for Monday (4/27) WebCGM vF2F

Agenda for Tuesday (4/28) WebCGM vF2F

Agenda for Tuesday (4/28) WebCGM vF2F [revised]

Agenda for Wednesday (4/29) WebCGM vF2F [draft]

font/glyph metrics proposed wording

for issues list: ACI DTD and conformance

Fwd: Comment about 'viewport' param element

Fwd: Re: [cgmo-webcgm] font metrics

gOE and gOET validation problem solved

Issue: Increase LETD limits?

issues list for WG

Minutes Monday April 27 2009

no telecon tomorrow, Wednesday?

thin agenda for Wednesday

WebCGM vF2F, 27-29 April [corrected]

Webex for WebCGM face to face

XML 1.0 5th Edition

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 April 2009 16:18:49 UTC