from September 2004 by subject

[Cientia] Executive Directions Digest Sept.04

[owl-s] communication between web services

A bunch of OWL-S difficulties

ambiguous match and business transaction

BPM 2005: Call for Workshop Proposals

Call for Participation: OTM 2004

Composition WS

Defintion of a simple process

Disjointnesses in OWL-S

Executing OWL-S/Profile

Executing OWL-S/Profile - a comparison of existing mechanisms

granularity/definition of a "service"

granularity/definition of a "service" (fwd)

Hierarchy in Service Profile

install shop2

Iterate and Choice classes in Process.owl 1.1b.... questions

Little bug in BravoAirProcess.owl?

METEOR-S Web Service Annotation Framework Release

Needed background

OWL-S matchmakers

OWL-S process graphical display

OWL-S: Handling Failures, and automatic generation of composite process IOPRs

OWL-S: Handling Failures, and automatic generation of composite process IOPRs [was: Re: A bunch of OWL-S difficulties]

Potential Gap (WAS Re: [owl-s] communication between web services)

profile vs. process

Proposing Minor Changes to the OWL-S Service Profile

question on modeling service/ serivce profiles and processes

Repeat-While vs. Repeat-Until

Revised Owl-S Grammar

some question about Process.owl concepts

ThisPerform and TheParentPerform special-purpose Perform's instances

Last message date: Thursday, 30 September 2004 16:58:37 UTC