from April 2003 by subject

[iadditional-00] (was: Re: Some issues with the IRI document)

[IRIEverywhere-27] (was: Re: [Minutes] 7 Apr 2003 TAG teleconf (arch doc, contentTypeOverride-24, namespaceDocument-8, IRIEverywhere-27))

Fwd: RE: IRIs [was: [Minutes] 17 Mar 2003 TAG teleconf...]

How to refer to IRI's

iadditional-00 (issue discussion)

Interpretation if %-escapes in IRIs

IRIs are forbidden in HTML

IRIs are forbidden in HTML [htmlIRI-12]

IRIs, URIs, TAG issues 15 and 27

issue idnuri-02: New approach, new text

search feature

Some issues with the IRI document

Some issues with the IRI document [applicabilityUTF8-10]

Some issues with the IRI document [bidiIDN-07]

Some issues with the IRI document [e9notutf8-05]

Some issues with the IRI document [legacyNFC-06]

Some issues with the IRI document [nfcnfkc-04]

Some issues with the IRI document [NFCsecurity-09]

Upper-case character references

Upper-case character references [ncrUpper-13]

URI<=>IRI conversion examples

Last message date: Wednesday, 30 April 2003 14:31:20 UTC