A PhD spring school with some relevance to XML Schema
AW: Restricting attribute content to not include a specific string
Can types be marked as "deprecated"?
Datatypes Repository?
error using XSV - couldn't find file:///usr/local/XSV/xsvlog/tmp1tuz34uploaded
How to define list of types in xsd
keyrefs from list type (ala IDREFS)
no targetNamespace, elementFormDefault qualified
reference to element, elementFormDefault unqualified
Referencing Variations
Restricting attribute content to not include a specific string
Simpletype restriction and {final}
SV: no targetNamespace, elementFormDefault qualified
XML result of Schema validation
- Henry S. Thompson (Tuesday, 25 April)
- noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com (Monday, 24 April)
- Mukul Gandhi (Monday, 24 April)
- Matheson, Jack K (Monday, 24 April)
- noah_mendelsohn@us.ibm.com (Monday, 24 April)
- Michael Kay (Friday, 21 April)
- Matheson, Jack K (Friday, 21 April)
- Michael Kay (Friday, 21 April)
- Matheson, Jack K (Thursday, 20 April)
Last message date: Friday, 28 April 2006 12:20:05 UTC