RE: XML result of Schema validation

Which spec are you reading? For the effect on an XSLT transformation or on
XQuery, you need to understand
(a) the PSVI generated by the schema processor
(b) the mapping from the PSVI to the XDM: see
Regarding your specific questions:
- if the stylesheet/query looks at text nodes or string values, it will
normally see the values before whitespace normalization. If it looks at
typed values it will normally see the values after such normalization.
Processors are allowed to reconstruct the string value (and the text nodes)
from the typed value, but I think this is only likely to happen in practice
when you store the data in an XML-enabled relational database.
- yes, default values are added to the XDM document.
Michael Kay


From: [] On
Behalf Of Matheson, Jack K
Sent: 20 April 2006 16:05
Subject: XML result of Schema validation

I'm having trouble finding information on the XML result of a Schema
validation; in particular, what happens when the result of a validation acts
as the input to a transformation. Does a stylesheet see
whitespace-normalized versions of text values from the input document? Also,
are default values for elements and attributes inserted for the stylesheet
to see?


It's certainly possible that I'm simply reading the spec incorrectly, so any
help is appreciated!




Received on Friday, 21 April 2006 09:44:15 UTC