(really the) same element with different attributes
[ANN] MSXML 4 SP2 Released
[xmlschema-dev] <none>
[xmlschema-dev] Re: Setting the minOccurs depending on other val
allow empty element for <xsd:decimal> type
Are all values stored as strings?
Business rules in schema
Can XML Data refer to two or more Schema
Custom validations in XML Schema
Defining Xlink
Derivation of mixed content models 2nd
Differentiate between unprefixed local element and global unp refixed element
Differentiate between unprefixed local element and global unprefixed element
Explanation of xs:restriction and xs:extension
get prefix name from schema element
Getting the datatype from XSD
have a xml instance that references an XML schema. the XML in stance voilates a xs:key constraint. cannot get the Xerces parser to comp lain
have a xml instance that references an XML schema. the XML instan ce voilates a xs:key constraint. cannot get the Xerces parser to complain
How to validate an already loaded XML document
import/include question
key/keyref and default attributes
Looking for some ideas...
Mapping file
Meaning of "enumeration" and "pattern" in xs:list
Meaning of length pattern in hexBinary and base64Binary
Meaning of xs:pattern in xs:boolean
Problem solved. Re: XSL and XSD
Problem using castor (import)
Problem using getElementById with XML Schema
redefine a complexType
Schema Component Constraint: Element Declarations Consistent
Schema Validation over a Proxy
Sequnce shorthand
Setting the minOccurs depending on other val
suggested doc enhancements for xsv 2.4-1
Turismo Rural - promoções fantásticas / promociones fantásticos
whitespace reality check: when is whitespace significant in element-only content
Xerces PSVI package
xml elements
XML Schema validation in xerces parser in C++
xml schema validation using Xerces 2.4.0
xsd to xml
Last message date: Saturday, 31 May 2003 17:03:21 UTC