Re: Custom validations in XML Schema

You can use the appinfo element information item in your schema to describe

However, the various validators on the market have not implemented a common
syntax for recognizing appinfo element information items that call for
validator extension modules/algorithms to be used, nor have they
implemented a common API so that people writing such an extension could
have it run with more than one validator.

Because this hasn't been done, many people are passing documents through a
pipeline of processors - the first being a schema validator, and then they
take either the original instance document or the PSVI and pass that to
their own processor, for example, a Schematron processor.

Bob Schloss
XML/XSL Transformational Systems
IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Yorktown Heights, New York, USA

                      "Durga Prasad                                                                                                   
                      Perumalla"               To:       <>                                                       
                      <        cc:                                                                                    
                      m>                       Subject:  Custom validations in XML Schema                                             
                      Sent by:                                                                                                        
                      05/27/2003 03:24                                                                                                


XML Schema validates an XML data for checking place, optional/required and
data type etc. Thats fine, but is there any where to give one or more
Custom validation method names in an XML schema at the element level so
that whenever the parser iterates the Schema while validating an XML file,
checks these customs validations and exposes/enables the user to define and
implement custom validations to be perfumed during this normal usual
validation process?

Durga Prasad Perumalla
Software Architect
Work Phone: 479-709-7470 Ext 6341

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2003 18:45:10 UTC