Re: FW: have a xml instance that references an XML schema. the XML in stance voilates a xs:key constraint. cannot get the Xerces parser to comp lain

On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 15:03, Bill Riegel wrote:
> I use XML spy to build and test the XML Schema. It complains when a
> key constraint is violated, but the Xerces Sax Parser does not. 
> I have set the following features
> When I parse the XML instance, I see no Exceptions nor does my
> ErrorHandler's warning, error or fatalError methods get called. 

Which Xerces parser are you using (C or Java) and which version?

Can you send us a copy of the files to look at?

Last time I used key constraints they appeared to work properly under
Xerces J, but I couldn't tell you which version it was.

Paul Warren, Client Services           DecisionSoft Limited

Received on Friday, 16 May 2003 03:57:41 UTC