www-xkms@w3.org from March 2005 by subject

Action items from last conf call

Additional comments

Ambiguity in the interpretation of [Optional] in XKMS

HMAC key authentication and shared secret key hints

implementation report (suite)

Implentation report update / OPTIONAL elements issue

Issue 328-jk: Unclear security bindings section

Issue 329-tl: NotBoundAuthentication

Issue 330-tlr-1: AbstractRequestType / RequestAbstractType ambiguity

Issue 330-tlr-2: Semantics of the ValidityInterval element

Issue 330-tlr-3: Concerns with the key revocation protocol

Issue 331-fdl: Question about Status field in requests

Issue 332-tl1: Element PrivateKey and Type attribute in the EncryptedData

Issue 332-tl2: disg:PGPData Element and "trust computations"

Issue 332-tl3: Additional ResultMinor status for required ProofOfPossesion element

Issue 332-tl4: Processing of TimeInstant and ValidityInterval

Issue 332-tl5: KeyBindingAuthentication and NoutBoundAuthentication

Issue 332-tl6: Use of RespondWith

Issue 333-jk: Ambiguity in the interpretation of [Optional] in XKMS

Issue 334-jk: HMAC key authentication and shared secret key hints

Meeting reminder next Tue 8/March/2005 and agenda item

meeting tomorrow?

Minutes for March 8th Meeting online

Next steps for moving to PR

Spec udpated

Spec udpated March 1st 2005

Spec udpated: 1st March - 2nd time

Spec updated 30th March

Spec Updated: 28th Feb 2005


Update of the draft CR interop report

updated the issues list /tracking TBD ones

WSDL file for XKMS

XKMS "success stories"

Last message date: Thursday, 31 March 2005 18:21:28 UTC