Update of the draft CR interop report

Hi folks,

This is the latest version[1]. I think that the text is pretty well
done. Section 3.1 needs more work, but I can't do it without your
feedback. I'll send an email with those issues and we have to decide
what to do. At latest, lets discuss them on next Tue. If we can do that
on the mailing list before, we'll save time.`

Please mail other interoperability problems that you found during CR
interop so that we can add them to the report. Anything that was
underspecified in the spec and required extra talk between client and
server developers is worth mentioning here. 

If you would like to share your experience with others, saying what
parts of the spec were the most difficult to support, any advice you
would like to share with others, anything else that can raise the level
of confidence of an interoperable XKMS spec, don't hesitate to send them
and I'll incorporate them into the report.


[1] http://www.w3.org/2001/XKMS/Drafts/test-suite/CR-XKMS-Summary.html

Received on Wednesday, 2 March 2005 22:41:22 UTC