- From: Jim Hendler <hendler@cs.umd.edu>
- Date: Tue, 1 Jul 2003 21:32:40 -0400
- To: webont <www-webont-wg@w3.org>
- Message-Id: <p05200f09bb27decdb6ec@[]>
Please let me know if there are other agenda items you'd like included. ======================================================================= AGENDA Teleconference Web Ontology Working Group July 3, 1200 (East US), 0900 (West US). 1700 (London) Duration: 90 min For those who don't have zakim in their speed dialers: Bridge: +1.617.761.6200 passcode 9326#. IRC Chat: irc:irc.w3.org (port 6665), #webont Chair: Jim H Scribe: Jeremy C 1.0 Admin 1.a Roll Call 1.b Next meeting July 10 - Chair: Guus, Scribe, TBD 1.c PROPOSED: to accept the minutes from previous call (June 26) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jun/0364.html 1.d Agenda Ammendments 2.0 Action review 2.a ACTIONS Known to have been closed: [CLOSED] 2. Restriction, DeprecatedClass in OWL Language Reference 31 March 2003 ACTION: Guus Schreiber will craft process response. [CLOSED] 10. OWL Reference comment - RDF Schema for OWL Guus S. sent propose response. Approved ACTION: Guus S. to send response [CLOSED} 30. OWL comment - owl:OntologyProperty DONE: 12Jun ACTION: Guus. 12Jun ACTION: Jeremy. CONTINUED. 12Jun minute: Jeremy to respond ACTION: Guus to make Ref consistent with resolution 2.b other comments still pending (now under 10!) 3. unspecified domain,range in App. C of OWL Language Reference 31 March 2003 CONTINUED: 12Jun ACTION: Mike Dean to respond. 12. Re: privacy in OWL ACTION: Guus S. to propose response. (moved to JimH) 21. daml:item ACTION: Jim Hendler. Respond with pointer to Issue 5.5. 22. RDFCore Comments on OWL Reference Guus sent partial response. WAITING FOR ACK. ACTION: Frank van Harmelen to respond to one open element. 25. Comments on Owl REF document DONE: 12Jun ACTION: Guus (sent to WG, approved by Dan) ACTION: Guus to send. 28. Non-global Keys Compound keys not in response. ACTION: Guus to find record of decision and propose Issue to be postponed. ACTION: Jim Hendler to add to proposed response. 32. Language Overview Document editorial comments DONE: 12Jun ACTION: Frank. 12Jun minute: Frank to respond, editorial WAITING FOR ACK. We think. ACTION: Guus to find our response. 34. Could owl:sameAs reference non-OWL resources? 12Jun ACTION: Pat. CONTINUED. 12Jun minute: Pat to respond ACTION: Guus to check status. 38. QA Review of owl-semantics Sandro sent proposed reply. ACTION: Jeremy, Jeff. All editors add link from their document to ALL others. 3.0 owl:sameAs loose end to tie up - approve owl:sameAs for Lite and DL. 4.0 Compound Keys Proposal to POSTPONE http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jun/0366.html 5.0 Dan's comments on Owl S&AS http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-webont-wg/2003Jul/0002.html 6.0 Last Call comments on Test Document Comment period has closed - anything new to be done? 7.0 Discussion of Levels issue Comments by HP, SWAD indicate people can live with current situation. Chair is hoping for someone to write a new proposal to close that updates the issues list appropriately. 8.0 Discussion of Schedule and next steps Web Based Strawpoll - CR or PR choices - please fill out the online questionairre at: http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/30310/ 9.0 AOB 10.0 Adjourn -- Professor James Hendler hendler@cs.umd.edu Director, Semantic Web and Agent Technologies 301-405-2696 Maryland Information and Network Dynamics Lab. 301-405-6707 (Fax) Univ of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 *** 240-277-3388 (Cell) http://www.cs.umd.edu/users/hendler *** NOTE CHANGED CELL NUMBER ***
Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2003 21:32:46 UTC