www-validator@w3.org from September 2010 by subject

"No Referer header found!" ?!?

1.2 release?

61 Landis St

[VE][108] - "id" as Attribute in Title Tag

[VE][70] Add Subject Here

[www-validator] <none>

Add Subject Here

checklink: Error: 500 Can't locate object method "new" via package "LWP::Protocol::https::Socket" when trying to link-check https://preview.addons.mozilla.org/z/en-US/firefox/discovery/4.0b5pre/Darwin

Hi, I have a question

HTML OK in <mtext> but not in <annotation-xml>, etc. [was: HTML5 with MathML has problem with numerical attrubute values]

Incorrect use of English: "Revalidate"

Problems with Markup Validation

self-closing syntax error message

Semi-random Parser Failure

unable to add w3.org icon on ssl https site

Validator - WTF!!

Last message date: Wednesday, 29 September 2010 14:13:39 UTC