www-validator-cvs@w3.org from August 2010 by subject

2002/css-validator/org/w3c/css/util Messages.properties.cs,1.2,1.3

link-checker commit: $TNV will be 4.0.

link-checker commit: * moving menu to the bottom of UI (giving homepage better focus on mail functionality)

link-checker commit: * pre-filling form with the URI being checked

link-checker commit: - Re-indent

link-checker commit: --masquerade doc improvements, thanks to C. M. Sperberg-McQueen.

link-checker commit: ->base() returns a URI, don't create another one.

link-checker commit: ...

link-checker commit: 2005.

link-checker commit: 2006.

link-checker commit: 2007

link-checker commit: 2007, once more

link-checker commit: 2008.

link-checker commit: 2009

link-checker commit: 3.9.2.

link-checker commit: 4.3.

link-checker commit: 4.5.

link-checker commit: 4.6.

link-checker commit: Accept application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml.

link-checker commit: Accept text/html-sandboxed.

link-checker commit: Access key doc tweaks: spelling, whitespace, consistency with rest of the docs.

link-checker commit: Add "changelog" target for generating the ChangeLog.

link-checker commit: Add "progress bar" for estimating progress on checking links in one document.

link-checker commit: Add --exclude option for excluding links matching given regexp (#689).

link-checker commit: Add -R/--no-referer to --help output.

link-checker commit: Add =encoding.

link-checker commit: Add a _very_ basic "test suite".

link-checker commit: Add a TODO about our built-in handling of base/@href special case.

link-checker commit: Add abbr for CVS.

link-checker commit: Add another link to more info about proxy variables.

link-checker commit: Add blurb about robots exclusion implementation details.

link-checker commit: Add blurb about SSL/TLS support.

link-checker commit: Add dependencies for generating ChangeLog when needed.

link-checker commit: Add docs.

link-checker commit: Add forgotten NEWS items for 4.2.

link-checker commit: Add images.

link-checker commit: Add instructions how to allow us in /robots.txt, and include a link to it in the results.

link-checker commit: Add known issues section, and "summary only" problems to it (#896).

link-checker commit: Add license info to dist metadata.

link-checker commit: Add logo height and width attributes.

link-checker commit: Add missing "hideme" class for "skip navigation" links.

link-checker commit: Add missing </abbr>.

link-checker commit: Add more module metadata.

link-checker commit: Add new options:

link-checker commit: Add NEWS.

link-checker commit: Add non-robot developer mode, thanks to Michael Ernst.

link-checker commit: Add note about output buffering and mod_deflate.

link-checker commit: Add perltidy settings and Makefile target.

link-checker commit: Add SIGNATURE for cpansign(1).

link-checker commit: Add some doc cross references.

link-checker commit: Add some TODOs for #29.

link-checker commit: Add status icons next to error messages shown if the initial URI can't be checked.

link-checker commit: Add support for checking links in CSS.

link-checker commit: Add support for cookies (command line mode only for now).

link-checker commit: Add user map for nicer ChangeLog authorship info.

link-checker commit: Add/revise accesskeys.

link-checker commit: adding a "progress bar" at top of scrolling pre

link-checker commit: adding access keys documentation

link-checker commit: adding alternate, non-trademarked, image for strict FLOSS distribution

link-checker commit: adding download instructions

link-checker commit: adding status (error, warning, info) icon

link-checker commit: adding style specific to linkchecker results

link-checker commit: adding tagline - better wording dearly welcome

link-checker commit: adding test for bogus frag

link-checker commit: adding test for multiple bogus frag

link-checker commit: Allow --exclude-docs be specified multiple times, based on patch from Michael Ernst.

link-checker commit: Allow specifying --location multiple times, make it imply --recursive.

link-checker commit: Always point to http://www.w3.org/2000/07/checklink for docs, small POD entity tweaks.

link-checker commit: Appease B::Lint.

link-checker commit: Appease Perl 5.6.1's taint mode.

link-checker commit: Apply parameters from cookie only when loading the "front" page.

link-checker commit: Associate all labels explicitly with their controls as recommended by WCAG 1.0.

link-checker commit: Attribute authorship to QA-dev (there's no separate link checker team).

link-checker commit: Autogenerate a dummy *.pm for CPAN indexing purposes.

link-checker commit: Autogenerate for 3.9.2.

link-checker commit: autoscroll of results as they happen, based on prototype by Brett Bieber

link-checker commit: Avoid division by zero in progress indicator for docs that contain no linefeeds.

link-checker commit: Avoid error log warning when no Content-Type is received, improve markup.

link-checker commit: Avoid feeding the whole response (including HTTP headers) to HTML::Parser.

link-checker commit: Avoid multiple "settings" IDs in HTML output.

link-checker commit: Avoid warning for images/w3c.png.

link-checker commit: Avoid warning from invalid (non-numeric) recursion depth.

link-checker commit: Avoid warning when no realm is given in WWW-Authenticate.

link-checker commit: basic test cases for link checker

link-checker commit: Bring up to date.

link-checker commit: broken stuff report is not only about broken links - may as well be clearer and frustrate people less

link-checker commit: building changelog and news from CVS commit log

link-checker commit: Bump version numbers.

link-checker commit: Canonicalize input URI earlier, avoids dupe output sections when recursing.

link-checker commit: Catch up with post-4.2.1 changes.

link-checker commit: Change parse_document to operate directly on response content refs, decode content encodings, and clean up response contents when done.

link-checker commit: Change to the W3C::LinkChecker namespace.

link-checker commit: changed result pages to charset=utf-8 on Content-Type:; should not have any effect currently, but will be useful later.

link-checker commit: ChangeLog for 4.1.

link-checker commit: ChangeLog for 4.2.

link-checker commit: ChangeLog for 4.2.1.

link-checker commit: changing name to avoid conneg issues

link-checker commit: Changing the layout of checklink (script) to math the one for the documentation.

link-checker commit: Check links in meta refresh tags.

link-checker commit: Check redirects for private IP addresses too.

link-checker commit: Checksums for 4.1.

link-checker commit: Checksums for 4.2.

link-checker commit: Checksums for 4.2.1.

link-checker commit: Clean perltidy backups.

link-checker commit: Clean up arguments passed to HTML::Parser handlers.

link-checker commit: Clear contents of responses as soon as we've dealt with them.

link-checker commit: Code cleanup: eliminate some magic numbers.

link-checker commit: Code cleanups.

link-checker commit: Comment typo fix.

link-checker commit: Comment updates.

link-checker commit: Compile trusted and exclude-docs regexps only once.

link-checker commit: converting output to XHTML 1.0 Strict (cont'd)

link-checker commit: Copy here from the validator dir.

link-checker commit: Decode content encodings also when parsing for anchors, thanks to Mark Olson.

link-checker commit: Deprecate the -y/--proxy option in favour of the http_proxy env variable.

link-checker commit: Disable Perl's recursion warnings for recursive algorithm.

link-checker commit: Do not pass unused "text" to start handler.

link-checker commit: Do not send any Accept-Language header by default in command line mode, and

link-checker commit: Document Doc_URI and Style_URI.

link-checker commit: Document known issues with libwww-perl 5.76.

link-checker commit: Document new *_Validator_URI config parameters.

link-checker commit: Document why utf8_mode is in an eval block.

link-checker commit: Don't abbreviate "seconds", just say it.

link-checker commit: Don't check <a name="..."> for XHTML Basic 1.1 or XHTML MP.

link-checker commit: Don't do javascript progress callbacks in command line HTML mode.

link-checker commit: Don't hardcode path to info icons, use Doc_URI to resolve it.

link-checker commit: Don't hardcode path to w3c.png, resolve it from Doc_URI.

link-checker commit: Don't let earlier URIs on the command line implicitly limit recursion scope

link-checker commit: Don't mask LWP's default redirect_ok() functionality, remove some dead code.

link-checker commit: Don't output informational messages in quiet mode (rt.cpan.org #43372).

link-checker commit: Don't output trusted regex in auth failed message if the hostname matches it, improve error message when it doesn't.

link-checker commit: Don't send Content-Script-Type as a real HTTP header, use <meta http-equiv> instead. Also make uriOk() focus the URI field if it was not 'ok'.

link-checker commit: donation/sponsorship slug

link-checker commit: Drop duplicate "Processing..." header in non-summary-only HTML mode, thanks to Michael Ernst

link-checker commit: Drop old URI workarounds, require >= 1.31.

link-checker commit: Eliminate a couple of recently introduced printf() warnings.

link-checker commit: Enforce libwww-perl >= 5.66 requirement.

link-checker commit: error message rewriting. No need to scream at the user

link-checker commit: Escape shown URI in javascript progress callback.

link-checker commit: Exclude changes to NEWS from the generated ChangeLog.

link-checker commit: Exclude docs/tests from tarball.

link-checker commit: Extract system IDs also from doctype declarations that have no public part.

link-checker commit: First (very rough) go at amending the link checker's CSS to match

link-checker commit: First CPANified version, copied here from the validator dir.

link-checker commit: Fix "Excluding links" info message in command line mode.

link-checker commit: Fix --exclude-docs for older Getopt::Long versions thanks to Michael Ernst for pointing it out.

link-checker commit: Fix anchor parsing in HTML 2.x and 3.x documents, http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-validator/2007Mar/0065

link-checker commit: Fix asking for basic auth (need to delay writing of HTTP headers), set cookie and print form also in auth required response.

link-checker commit: Fix broken fragment UI (was broken in revision 3.30).

link-checker commit: Fix bug in recursion logic: when parsing a document in recursive mode, we

link-checker commit: Fix bunch of perlcritic warnings.

link-checker commit: Fix command line HTML output.

link-checker commit: Fix doc of ip_allowed() return value.

link-checker commit: Fix HTML entity encoding in broken anchor output, improve it slightly.

link-checker commit: Fix HTML footer

link-checker commit: Fix HTML::Parser dependency version.

link-checker commit: Fix indirect call syntax issues flagged by perlcritic.

link-checker commit: Fix invalid printf conversion warning.

link-checker commit: Fix link to the online version.

link-checker commit: Fix navbar markup.

link-checker commit: Fix Opera/MSIE menubar ugliness by importing line-height from Markup Validator.

link-checker commit: Fix operator mismatches flagged by perlcritic.

link-checker commit: Fix order of arguments to --masquerade in docs, thanks to C. M. Sperberg-McQueen.

link-checker commit: Fix perltidy warnings.

link-checker commit: Fix rt.cpan.org bug number refs in comments.

link-checker commit: Fix some jslint javascript warnings.

link-checker commit: Fix typo in results CSS.

link-checker commit: Fix unterminated B<...>.

link-checker commit: fixing a few brainos in passing arguments around

link-checker commit: fixing some silliness in my recent patches - thanks Ville for the catch

link-checker commit: giving the results a bit of air

link-checker commit: Handle undefined lines internally in add_link().

link-checker commit: header

link-checker commit: HTML-escape given URI in the "you cannot check such a URI" message.

link-checker commit: I need XHTML for some post-processing so...

link-checker commit: If running LWP >= 5.814, set Accept-Encoding in requests to what LWP can decode.

link-checker commit: Ignore more files when generating the ChangeLog.

link-checker commit: Implement "better" (yet somewhat hacky) handling of non-HTTP error codes,

link-checker commit: Implement sending the Referer header (#32).

link-checker commit: implementing new access keys, as proposed in

link-checker commit: Improve command line mode usability: -h is now an alias for --help, -H for

link-checker commit: Improve comment.

link-checker commit: improve debug output in verbose mode. Patch courtesy of Michael Ernst

link-checker commit: Improve description of quoting for argument containing space.

link-checker commit: Improve documentation of --indicator.

link-checker commit: Improve handling of URI schemes we don't want checked.

link-checker commit: Improve heuristics when passed non-absolute URIs.

link-checker commit: Improve info about "IP address disallowed by config" messages (#5080), avoid outputting HTML in "What to do" in non-HTML console mode.

link-checker commit: Improve line number indicator formatting for redirect results in console mode.

link-checker commit: Improve the "Trusted" domain documentation.

link-checker commit: Improve unknown line number handling.

link-checker commit: Improve variable naming in parse_document().

link-checker commit: Improve/add Forbidden_Protocols docs.

link-checker commit: Include config file.

link-checker commit: Include/reorganize required images.

link-checker commit: Increase default LWP HTTP line length to 8k; the 4k default in LWP <= 5.832

link-checker commit: Increase resolution of shown times to 1/100th of a second.

link-checker commit: Initial (partial) implementation for support for robots exclusion standard.

link-checker commit: Initialize "local" variables as suggested by perlcritic.

link-checker commit: installation instructions

link-checker commit: Javascript whitespace cleanup.

link-checker commit: Let LWP decode response charsets.

link-checker commit: Link to http://www.w3.org/2000/07/checklink for docs again.

link-checker commit: Link to www.perl.org/get.html for "Install Perl" (David Dorward, http://www.w3.org/mid/495CFBF6.1080306%40dorward.me.uk)

link-checker commit: List all dependencies per cpan-testers-discuss recommendation, document required/optional ones.

link-checker commit: List line numbers of broken fragments only, not all fragment line numbers if one or more for a doc are broken.

link-checker commit: Look for an index file if passed a dir, prefer it if found over dir contents.

link-checker commit: Lower default timeout to 30 seconds (#4985).

link-checker commit: Lower q-value of application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml in Accept header to less than 1.

link-checker commit: Make --exclude-docs doc more accurate, mention it in "Settings used" if used.

link-checker commit: Make --quiet more quiet (Brian St. Pierre, Debian #390788, rt.cpan.org #15053).

link-checker commit: Make checklink script executable.

link-checker commit: Make files inside the dist tarball owned by root.

link-checker commit: Make forbidden protocols configurable (#29).

link-checker commit: Make markup and CSS validator URIs configurable.

link-checker commit: Make Net::IP and other modules required for restricting access to

link-checker commit: Make no_w3c.png smaller.

link-checker commit: Make protocol disallowed info message more accurate.

link-checker commit: Make self references in the results work whatever the script name is.

link-checker commit: Make sleep time between requests to each server configurable in command

link-checker commit: Make sure default configuration options are set also when there is no

link-checker commit: Make the CGI object non-global.

link-checker commit: making sure broken links get seen first. They are the prime concern. Moving the fragments report lower.

link-checker commit: Markup fixes.

link-checker commit: Micro-optimizations, cleanups.

link-checker commit: Mimic LWP by setting the "Client-Warning: Internal response" to "IP disallowed" internal responses.

link-checker commit: Minor typo etc edits to the "install with CPAN" section.

link-checker commit: modifying wording and display of the report for broken frags

link-checker commit: More documentation updates and improvements.

link-checker commit: More markup improvements.

link-checker commit: muting some output in quiet mode. some reorg of output code - Patch courtesy of Michael Ernst

link-checker commit: New command line option (--exclude-docs) for excluding checking links in

link-checker commit: New configuration parameter (Doc_URI) to aid local doc installations.

link-checker commit: Note that -q implies -s.

link-checker commit: Note XHTML $response->base() improvements in libwww-perl >= 5.810 in comments.

link-checker commit: Okay, I give up. Use "text/javascript" as the content type for JavaScript.

link-checker commit: Once more for the road.

link-checker commit: Output HTTP headers before fetching the first document (related to #4985).

link-checker commit: Output number of lines processed instead of total number of lines in docs.

link-checker commit: Outsource line counting to HTML::Parser; version >= 3.20 is now required.

link-checker commit: Permit spaces to delimit the parts of the arguments for --suppress-redirect,

link-checker commit: Prefer text/html over application/xhtml+xml in Accept because of our lack of xml:base support.

link-checker commit: Prefix redirect progress events with "->".

link-checker commit: preparing 4.4

link-checker commit: Prevent (some) infinite loops.

link-checker commit: Print percentage indicator only when it changes; improves performance

link-checker commit: Print used settings only once and at start in command line output.

link-checker commit: Protect regexp metacharacters in masquerade URLs.

link-checker commit: putting redirects together, separated from error list

link-checker commit: quick attempt at styling link checker as the Markup Validator.

link-checker commit: Quote heredoc terminators as suggested by perlcritic.

link-checker commit: Quote versions with significant trailing zeros (to get META.yml right).

link-checker commit: Re-sign with up to date ChangeLog.

link-checker commit: Reassign accesskey 2 to downloads.

link-checker commit: Recommend libwww-perl 5.70.

link-checker commit: Redirect loops are no longer a problem with the link checker and libwww-perl 5.76 (but redirects to file: URLs still are).

link-checker commit: Refactor IP address allowance and redirect progress callback code into our UserAgent class.

link-checker commit: Reimplement/replace internal redirect tracking logic using the response

link-checker commit: Reindent, cosmetics.

link-checker commit: Release 3.9.1.

link-checker commit: Release 3.9.2.

link-checker commit: Release 4.0.

link-checker commit: Release 4.1.

link-checker commit: Release 4.2.

link-checker commit: Release 4.2.1.

link-checker commit: Remove "Skip past navigation" link; there is no such anchor on the "front" page and there is nothing to skip at end of the doc.

link-checker commit: Remove "Valid XHTML Strict" badge.

link-checker commit: Remove (apparently harmless) stray comma.

link-checker commit: Remove a stale fragment id.

link-checker commit: Remove ChangeLog.bak with make clean.

link-checker commit: Remove CVS keywords.

link-checker commit: Remove CVS revision from user visible version strings to make them less scary.

link-checker commit: Remove cvs2cl backups when creating ChangeLog.

link-checker commit: Remove obsolete checklink version blurb from --masquerade doc.

link-checker commit: Remove obsolete WWW::RobotRules comments.

link-checker commit: Remove some unused properties, and do a gratuitous whitespace cleanup.

link-checker commit: Remove stray as-is "\n" from HTML output.

link-checker commit: Remove Style_URI configuration variable, resolve it from Doc_URI.

link-checker commit: Remove the "Skip navigation" link as it is not too useful at the moment.

link-checker commit: Remove the deprecated (since 2004, link checker 4.1) -n/--noacclanguage and -y/--proxy command line options.

link-checker commit: Remove unused icons.

link-checker commit: Remove whitespace before doctype.

link-checker commit: removed unused vars - Patch courtesy of Michael Ernst

link-checker commit: removing listing of files which will not be in all distribs

link-checker commit: removing more of the heavy bgcolor used in reports

link-checker commit: Rename the doc CSS once more (to linkchecker.css).

link-checker commit: Require libwww-perl >= 5.802.

link-checker commit: Require Perl >= 5.8.

link-checker commit: Require URI::file only in command line mode.

link-checker commit: Restore "address img" for the valid XHTML badge.

link-checker commit: Restore some lost CSS properties, and selectively sync some of the new

link-checker commit: Revert parallel user agent code from between revisions 4.21 and 4.24 per discussion on public-qa-dev.

link-checker commit: Review and explicitly list things treated as links.

link-checker commit: RobotUA/RobotRules works for local files from command line in LWP 5.66+, bump the required version.

link-checker commit: Run perltidy, update indentation settings.

link-checker commit: Set "self URI" to http://validator.w3.org/checklink in command line HTML mode.

link-checker commit: Set XML parsing mode also based on Content-Type in addition to public ID,

link-checker commit: Signal explicit EOF to HTML::Parser in parse_document().

link-checker commit: simplify, lighten, give air, do not yell at the user. Removed feature: sequence of status messages (status code squence kept)

link-checker commit: simplify, lighten, give air, do not yell at the user. results table made less heavy and screaming, report list more airy.

link-checker commit: Skip some files from distcheck and cpansign.

link-checker commit: Small comment clarifications related to the previous fix.

link-checker commit: Small wording improvements.

link-checker commit: softening wording in error/info message

link-checker commit: Some doc improvements.

link-checker commit: Sort broken fragment line numbers numerically, not alphabetically.

link-checker commit: Standard project directories initialized by cvs2svn.

link-checker commit: status bar bug

link-checker commit: styling of progress <pre> to limit its size - just a test, welcoming feedback

link-checker commit: styling of the list of issues and list of redirects in checklin results

link-checker commit: styling of the UI form

link-checker commit: styling tagline

link-checker commit: Summary wording improvements, thanks to Jukka Korpela.

link-checker commit: Support Content-Encodings automatically handled by libwww-perl (#5648).

link-checker commit: Support new link things in HTML 5 (incomplete; XHTML 5 xml:base not supported).

link-checker commit: Suppress RobotRules warnings, rt.cpan.org #18902.

link-checker commit: Switch to HTML 4.01 strict, and make related adjustments and layout

link-checker commit: Sync navigation link placement with generated pages, remove no longer needed "skip navigation" link.

link-checker commit: Take care of PERL5LIB in taint mode ourselves instead of using perl5lib; perl5lib can itself be in PERL5LIB outside default @INC.

link-checker commit: Take codebase into account when resolving object/@data.

link-checker commit: Telling caches in the middle we want fresh copies of retrieved documents (Bug 4998)

link-checker commit: The (hopefully temporary) workaround for responses not storing the original

link-checker commit: the checklink documentation states:

link-checker commit: The dupe/empty anchor table lists one anchor per table row; adjust heading accordingly.

link-checker commit: Treat masquerade targets that lack a scheme as file: URIs, absolutize relative paths.

link-checker commit: Treat non-empty URI's "ok" again with JavaScript implementations without

link-checker commit: Trim whitespace, NFC.

link-checker commit: Trivial code cleanups.

link-checker commit: Try enabling UTF-8 mode in HTML::Parser (#3289).

link-checker commit: Try to avoid regenerating lib/W3C/LinkChecker.pm on end user installs.

link-checker commit: Try to avoid server/browser timeouts in summary only mode when the check takes

link-checker commit: Tune WAI-WEBCONTENT link.

link-checker commit: Tweak fieldset padding.

link-checker commit: Typo and consistency fixes.

link-checker commit: Untaint config params that are used as the format argument to (s)printf(), Perl 5.10 does not want to see that in taint mode.

link-checker commit: unused, and problematic wrt licensing

link-checker commit: Update authorship info.

link-checker commit: Update CVSweb interface URL.

link-checker commit: Update for 4.4 again.

link-checker commit: Update for 4.4.

link-checker commit: Update for 4.6.

link-checker commit: Update for things so far in 4.6.

link-checker commit: Update full man page display instructions.

link-checker commit: Update instructions etc from CVS to Mercurial.

link-checker commit: Update links.

link-checker commit: Update mod_perl HTTP_AUTHORIZATION hack for recent 2.x, drop support for 1.x.

link-checker commit: update tags

link-checker commit: Update years in copyright notices.

link-checker commit: Usage message improvements.

link-checker commit: Use "(no message)" if for some reason we do not receive a reason phrase in the response status line.

link-checker commit: Use add_link() for recording DTD URLs for consistency.

link-checker commit: Use Apache2::compat instead of Apache::compat to support recent mod_perl 2's.

link-checker commit: Use ercim.eu instead of .org in ERCIM links, thanks to Jean-Guilhem Rouel for the heads up.

link-checker commit: Use JPEG versions of header and footer images.

link-checker commit: Use no_w3c.png.

link-checker commit: Use PERL5LIB from environment even in taint mode, thanks to people on cpan-testers-discuss for assistance.

link-checker commit: Use relative self-referencing URL without the query string for the form action.

link-checker commit: Use relative URL to menu background png.

link-checker commit: Use the same W3C::UserAgent instance for all retrievals.

link-checker commit: Use UTF-8 instead of entities.

link-checker commit: User bug report (hash key was Suppress..., shourd have been Suppress...)

link-checker commit: Validity fix.

link-checker commit: Various doc improvements.

link-checker commit: warning note about delay in summary only mode

link-checker commit: WARNING: this code is rather broken...

link-checker commit: Work around a bug in URI::sip(s) in URI 1.22-1.30.

link-checker commit: Wrap long comment lines.

link-checker commit: Wrap long lines.

link-checker commit: XHTML well-formedness fix.

markup-validator commit: adding a Unicorn template for critical error

markup-validator commit: Fix for ticket #139

markup-validator commit: Fix for ticket #319

markup-validator commit: Prepare for 1.2 release.

markup-validator commit: Small typo

markup-validator commit: Update XHTML modularization DTDs to version 1.1 second edition (20100729).

markup-validator commit: ~ fixed invalid css code in the congratulation message

perl/modules/W3C/LinkChecker README.cvs,1.2,1.3

unicorn commit: + added a label and a globe icon to the language selection dropdown

unicorn commit: + esperanto :)

unicorn commit: + log optimization

unicorn commit: + title attribute on the language selection menu

unicorn commit: + uncompressed versions of mootools core and more for debugging

unicorn commit: Buccaneer translation submitted by Jean-Guilhem Rouel <jean-gui@w3.org>

unicorn commit: Czech translation by Petr Tomasek <petomasek@csas.cz>

unicorn commit: Esperanto translation submitted by Keith Bowes

unicorn commit: Estonian translation submitted by Hannes Kiivet <hannesg@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: Finnish translation by Risto Välimäki <risto.valimaki@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: Finnish translation submitted by Risto Välimäki <risto.valimaki@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: German translation submitted by Maria Schiewe <maria.schiewe@papenmeier.de>

unicorn commit: Hebrew translation by Tsahi

unicorn commit: Hebrew translation submitted by Renana Yacobi

unicorn commit: L33t translation submitted by Jean-Guilhem Rouel <jean-gui@w3.org>

unicorn commit: merge

unicorn commit: Merge with 359082df2d83c60e93d293761cf4738a99ad3979

unicorn commit: Merge with ee3341e05187208d8d481ddff05f1816dcd9de39

unicorn commit: Polish translation submitted by Tavaro

unicorn commit: Portuguese translation submitted by Mauricio S. T. de Nóbrega <mauricio.nobrega@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: removing Petr's email address from the file

unicorn commit: Russian translation submitted by Alexey Denisyuk <day@mb.od.ua>

unicorn commit: Russian translation submitted by Dmitry <mityada@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: Simplified Chinese translation submitted by Mach <cnjlin@yahoo.cn>

unicorn commit: some messages had been replaced with an email address

unicorn commit: Spanish translation submitted by Guillermo Jimenez

unicorn commit: Submitter: Andrea Gressani <andrea@semplitech.it>

unicorn commit: Submitter: Dominique Pellé <dominique.pelle@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: Submitter: Felipe Castro <fefcas@yahoo.com.br>

unicorn commit: Submitter: Hannes Kiivet <hannesg@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: Submitter: HannesK <hannesg@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: Submitter: Heverton Carneiro <hevertonc@hotmail.com>

unicorn commit: Submitter: John <Perfspotters@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: Submitter: Joop Eggen <joop_eggen@yahoo.de>

unicorn commit: Submitter: Maria Schiewe <maria.schiewe@papenmeier.de>

unicorn commit: Submitter: Olle Jonsson <olle.jonsson@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: Submitter: Petr Tomasek <petomasek@csas.cz>

unicorn commit: Submitter: Rytis SlatkeviÄ?ius <rytis.s@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: top secret!

unicorn commit: Traditional Chinese translation by Bruce

unicorn commit: Translation in Arabic submitted by Hassan Mohamad

unicorn commit: Translation in Croatian submitted by Juraj Hilje

unicorn commit: Translation in Hindi submitted by Dirje Welry

unicorn commit: Translation in Lithuanian submitted by le_paf

unicorn commit: Ukrainian translation by Valerii <ukrain@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: Valerii <ukrain@gmail.com>

unicorn commit: ~ changed to point to production instance

unicorn commit: ~ changed to point to production instances

unicorn commit: ~ contracts moved to validator.w3.org/unicorn/contracts

unicorn commit: ~ dropdown menu for language selection instead of list

unicorn commit: ~ fixed linked properties

unicorn commit: ~ fixed locale in language filenames

unicorn commit: ~ fixed typo

unicorn commit: ~ fixed: description element not mandatory

unicorn commit: ~ removed ucn_text and ucn_file to the language form

Last message date: Monday, 30 August 2010 16:49:05 UTC