link-checker commit: RobotUA/RobotRules works for local files from command line in LWP 5.66+, bump the required version.

changeset:   51:997a07a4b06f
user:        ville
date:        Sat Apr 10 17:00:56 2004 +0000
files:       META.yml Makefile.PL docs/checklink.html
RobotUA/RobotRules works for local files from command line in LWP 5.66+, bump the required version.

diff -r 1dd00f44c183 -r 997a07a4b06f META.yml
--- a/META.yml	Sat Apr 10 14:07:13 2004 +0000
+++ b/META.yml	Sat Apr 10 17:00:56 2004 +0000
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
     CGI:                           0
     Config::General:               2.06
     HTML::Parser:                  3
-    LWP::RobotUA:                  0
+    LWP:                           5.66
     Net::IP:                       0
     Term::ReadKey:                 2
     Time::HiRes:                   0
diff -r 1dd00f44c183 -r 997a07a4b06f Makefile.PL
--- a/Makefile.PL	Sat Apr 10 14:07:13 2004 +0000
+++ b/Makefile.PL	Sat Apr 10 17:00:56 2004 +0000
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
                      CGI             => 0,
                      Config::General => 2.06,
                      HTML::Parser    => 3.00,
-                     LWP::RobotUA    => 0,
+                     LWP             => 5.66,
                      Net::IP         => 0,
                      Term::ReadKey   => 2.00,
                      Time::HiRes     => 0,
diff -r 1dd00f44c183 -r 997a07a4b06f docs/checklink.html
--- a/docs/checklink.html	Sat Apr 10 14:07:13 2004 +0000
+++ b/docs/checklink.html	Sat Apr 10 17:00:56 2004 +0000
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     <title>W3C Link Checker Documentation</title>
     <link rev="made" href="" />
     <style type="text/css" media="all">@import "linkchecker.css";</style>
-    <meta name="revision" content="$Id: checklink.html,v 1.12 2004-04-09 11:36:17 ville Exp $" />
+    <meta name="revision" content="$Id: checklink.html,v 1.13 2004-04-10 17:00:56 ville Exp $" />
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 	  <li><a href=""></a> (required for CGI mode only)</li>
           <li><a href="">Config-General</a> (optional, version 2.06 or newer; required only for reading the (optional) configuration file)</li>
 	  <li><a href="">HTML-Parser</a> (version 3.00 or newer)</li>
-	  <li><a href="">libwww-perl</a> (version 5.60 or newer; version 5.70 or newer recommended, except for 5.76 which has a bug that causes the link checker to detect many spurious redirect loops and to follow redirects to <code>file:</code> URLs)</li>
+	  <li><a href="">libwww-perl</a> (version 5.66 or newer; version 5.70 or newer recommended, except for 5.76 which has a bug that causes the link checker to detect many spurious redirect loops and to follow redirects to <code>file:</code> URLs)</li>
           <li><a href="">Net-IP</a></li>
           <li><a href="">TermReadKey</a> (optional but recommended; required only in command line mode for password input)</li>
 	  <li><a href="">Time-HiRes</a></li>
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
         alt="Valid XHTML 1.0!" /></a>
       <a title="Send Feedback for the W3C Link Checker"
         href="">The W3C Validator Team</a><br />
-      $Date: 2004-04-09 11:36:17 $
+      $Date: 2004-04-10 17:00:56 $
     <p class="copyright">
       <a rel="Copyright" href="">Copyright</a> &copy; 1994-2004

Received on Thursday, 5 August 2010 14:47:11 UTC