www-svg@w3.org from August 2000 by subject


About the coordinate

About the indication territory of svg

Ann: SVG Charting Component

Calling "internal" JavaScripts?

Can you pan using Javascript?


CSS level errors.

Do you feel only the wealthy are privy to certain secrets? lzmam

Expected Synchronization behavior?

External ressources in SVG

foreignObject questions

Identifying element type


Increasing detalization when zooming the document

Latest XML Apache FOP Release; SVG Support Therein

Minor typo in CR

Missing angle def in DTD

Missing presentation attribute in DTD

New CSIRO SVG Toolkit 6th August 2000 - supports SVG CR

New localizations of Adobe SVG Viewer released

Plot file size when printing with Adobe's SVG viewer

Press release- W3C Issues Scalable Vector Graphics as a Candidate Recommendation



Re(2): SVGLists of type DOMString

relationships between SVG and CSS2, SMIL etc

Rotating Text in http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/CR-SVG-20000802/text.html


Semantic Markup Reference in 10.1 not Backed up in H2

Sound support?

SVG document as a string

SVG DTD -- merging ideas for line element into one element

SVG technologies available on Sun's web site

SVGColorProfileRule creation


SVGFeGaussianBlurElement; stdDeviations

SVGLists of type DOMString



Using data URL's (was Re: images)

When will browers support SVG without plug-in?

Why the SVG DOM is so complex to use?

Wmf 2 SVG servlet back online


XML to SVG (inlining SVG in an HTML page)

XML to SVG... more info

XML to SVG... more info (A working version)

zoom & pan

Last message date: Thursday, 31 August 2000 14:32:08 UTC