Re: zoom & pan

The SVG specification identifies events SVGZoom and SVGScroll, with
corresponding event attributes 'onzoom' and 'onscroll'.  (See Thus, you can say:

<svg ... onzoom="MyZoomFunction(evt)" onscroll="MyScrollFunction(evt)" ...>

The SVG specification also provides DOM attributes currentScale and
currentTranslate on the SVGSVGElement interface (See which allow a
script to determine how much zooming and panning has occurred so far.

Unfortunately, I do not believe that the current release of the Adobe SVG
Viewer supports any of this. If you want to use the current release of the
Adobe SVG Viewer, increasing the detail based on zoom level might be
difficult. I don't see how to do it easily. If I were going to do this with
the current release, I would try to force users to zoom and scroll only by
using custom SVG widgets designed for that purpose, thus allowing my
JavaScript to keep track of current zoom and pan level.

Jon Ferraiolo
SVG Editor
Adobe Systems Incorporated

At 01:38 PM 8/14/00 +0200, Palazon Gonzalez Vicente wrote:
>three questions:
>is posible:
>to increase the detail when the zoom is doing? 
>to handle the zoom with javascript?
>to handle the pan with javascript?
>------------------------------------- - - -  -  -  -  -   -   -   -         
>Vicente Palazon Gonzalez
>------------------------------------- - - -  -  -  -  -   -   -   -

Received on Monday, 14 August 2000 18:24:13 UTC