Re: XML to SVG

Internet Explorer 5.x ignores the MIME type when it sees a file which it 
thinks is XML, and instead of invoking the associated plug-in or control, 
Internet Explorer tries to parse the XML itself. If the file includes a 
filename extension which is associated with a registered MIME type, 
however, Internet Explorer will successfully invoke the associated plug-in 
or control.

If you wish to see this behavior fixed in a future version of Internet 
Explorer, please contact Microsoft.


At 12:12 PM 8/24/00 +0100, Torres, Libo wrote:

>   Hi,
>   I have detected using the Adove SVG viewer that if I change the extension
>of a .SVG file to  .XML I can't see the image that I could see before with
>the .SVG extension. Is it normal? If is normal... why does it hapen if SVG
>has XML sintax?
>   And my main problem is that I'm trying to transform a very simple XML file
>to SVG format using XSL. After the transformation I can't see any image on
>my screen. Does it have any relation with my first question?
>   thanks, Libo
>Happiness should justify even the Existence !!      (Nietzsche)

Paton J. Lewis
Engineering Manager, SVG
Adobe Systems

Received on Thursday, 24 August 2000 14:39:47 UTC