Re: [css-writing-modes-3] Japanese version of CR (Dec. 15th 2015) document

On 04/03/2016 10:24 PM, Hiroshi Sakakibara wrote:
> As a native Japanese, this document is very hard to read as a
> technical translation.
> For example, "multi-column" is usually reffered as "段組", but this
> document translates it as "複 column".
> I don't know the detail of listing criteria regarding translation
> quality, but feels a bit skeptical to mention..

It might be worth having an official translation of the Writing Modes
spec into Japanese! I think maybe I should add more pictures and
rewrite some of the orthogonal flows sections to be more understandable
first. ^_^ But I think it would be useful and there is enough interest
to make such a translation as a project, perhaps when there is a REC?

Hiroshi, would you be able to suggest improvements to the translation
terminology? Maybe the person who is maintaining this one can make
such changes.


Received on Monday, 4 April 2016 18:39:45 UTC