Inline formatting model document

    All right, the CSS&FP Working Group has discussed the workings of 
the inline formatting model, and I've written up a description of 
their position on how things are supposed to work.  The document can 
be found at:


Please note that this is a basic summary of the inline formatting 
model as described by the CSS1 and CSS2 specifications.  I hope that 
we can tune it to be as comprehensive as possible, and expand upon it 
once we're satisfied that what we have so far is correct.  For 
example, the document does not explicitly describe how vertical-align 
is handled.  I'll be happy to add it once there is a consensus 
agreement on the document as it now stands, but I want to be sure of 
the ground I've charted before advancing any further.
    I have also not tried to address some of the more advanced or 
subtle wrinkles which may exist in the inline formatting model, such 
as those described by David Baron, Ian Hickson, and others.  See 
previous comments about being sure about the ground, etc.  I also do 
not intend to modify this document by adding proposed additions, 
changes, etc. to the CSS inline model.  For the moment, I'm only 
interested in describing what the specification(s) actually say.
    I look forward to people's comments!

Eric A. Meyer  -  -

Received on Friday, 14 January 2000 23:34:21 UTC