Re: Inline formatting model document

>From: (Erik van der Poel)
>Date: Sun, Jan 16, 2000, 7:39 PM
> Ian Hickson wrote:
>> Underlines should be drawn *for the outer
>> element only*. i.e., the one with "text-decoration:underline".
> Thanks for the info! I didn't know that. Does the spec also say where
> the underline should be drawn, how thick it should be, and whether it
> affects the line box? If not, I think we should consider these things
> for CSS3.

The CSS&FP Working Group is working on enhancements to underlining and other
text-decorations for CSS3 (in addition to other text and font

Note: this document is very much "in progress" and is not yet mature enough to
be considered a working draft, and as such is still an internal working group



Received on Monday, 17 January 2000 21:05:17 UTC