Re: Inline formatting model document

Also sprach Eric A. Meyer:

 >     All right, the CSS&FP Working Group has discussed the workings of 
 > the inline formatting model, and I've written up a description of 
 > their position on how things are supposed to work.  The document can 
 > be found at:
 >       <URL:>

Opera 4 technology preview's rendering is available from:

It seems very similar to -- almost to the pixel -- the proposed
reference rendering:

Kudos to the Gecko team!

I suggest using pixel units and setting a generic font family when the
test moves into a test suite. I suspect the small differences we are
seeing are due to font metrics and/or pt-px roundoff errors.


Håkon Wium Lie                                           gets you there faster

Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2000 06:33:36 UTC