Re: Horizontal rules

--- Allan Odgaard <Duff@DIKU.DK> wrote:
> What about the problem I pointed out with floats? E.g.:
> <Div>
>    <Img Align=Left Width=200 ...>
>    <Hr>
> </Div>
> Here the float should (intuitively) be the width of the containing
> element MINUS the width of the floating image, but block level elements
> don't respect floats when calculating widths.

I'm not sure I understand what you are saying.

I presume you mean that the DIV is floating.

If so, the issue of width calculation does not exist because you are
required to set width on floats (and once you have set it, nothing in the
element will affect that).

If not, the width of the DIV is simply a static block, and as such its
width is not affected by its content. Its height _is_ however (although
not by floats except insofar as they cause displacement of text within
line boxes).

From Matthew Brealey ( (for law)or (for CSS))
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Received on Thursday, 17 February 2000 10:23:05 UTC