Staged demonstrators
TED, Authentic etc
Plenary notes, writeup?
NKOS workshop
minutes from Wednesday Morning meeting, SIMILE f2f
Minutes from meeting 18th July 2003
Plenary Logistics, for today's call
SIMILE PI phone conf: 18 Jul 2003 1200 EDT/1700 BST/1000MST
'In Practice, Good Practice: the Future of Open Archives' - The 4th Open Archives Forum Workshop, 4-5 September 2003, Bath UK.
RE: Fetching RDF Data Objects
Updated relevant tech doc
No SIMILE Investigators call today, confirming next week and PI o ne on ones
Fw: Metadata creation & quality assurance paper: final ALT-C version
Update on SIMILE: John Gilbert
Proposed text for provenance section
- Re: Proposed text for provenance section
- RE: Proposed text for provenance section
- RE: Proposed text for provenance section
Proposed new validation section
Proposed text for section on application profiles
- RE: Proposed text for section on application profiles
- RE: Proposed text for section on application profiles