SIMILE PI phone conf: 18 Jul 2003 1200 EDT/1700 BST/1000MST

SIMILE PI Call Agenda
Friday 18 July 2003
12p-1p EST

1. Logistics:

 866-639-4756 toll-free
 574-935-6714 toll

 code: 6491683 (JSE to conduct meeting)

2. Topics

a. Review "raw" logistics for plenary
  - date, location, expected attendance, etc.
  - MB to send email Thurs PM

b. Walk-through Agenda for Plenary
  - MB to email Thurs PM
  - How meeting to be conducted (nature of sessions, etc)

c. Introduction to Proposed "General Use Case 2" ("Lifecycle Management 
of Digital Objects")
  - JSE to send out consolidated "Use Case 2"/Demonstrator doc (*attached*)
  - *Please* read this before the call
  - JSE to discuss rationale behind this
  - "official" SIMILE docs to be updated

d. Prework for Plenary/Update on Key Documents
  - Appt people to review documents
    - Use Case
    - Demonstrators
    - Related Technologies
  - Overview of additions to docs (to call)
    - JSE/MB stuff
    - minor stuff: PaulS's additions to LO Use Case
    - minor stuff: MarBut
  - "HW" to have detailed looks at docs
e. Status of Hiring for MIT Research Staff
  - EM, MS, DK update?

f. The End...

Received on Thursday, 17 July 2003 16:04:53 UTC