'In Practice, Good Practice: the Future of Open Archives' - The 4th Open Archives Forum Workshop, 4-5 September 2003, Bath UK.
Fetching RDF Data Objects
Interesting IMS white paper re: Learning Object Usecase
Metadata creation & quality assurance paper: final ALT-C version
Minutes from meeting 18th July 2003
Minutes from meeting 18th July 2003 --> different views 'section'
minutes from Wednesday Morning meeting, SIMILE f2f
NKOS workshop
No SIMILE Investigators call today, confirming next week and PI o ne on ones
Plenary Logistics, for today's call
Plenary notes, writeup?
Proposed new structure for SIMILE [Relevant] Technologies doc umen t
Proposed new validation section
Proposed text for provenance section
- MacKenzie Smith (Sunday, 13 July)
- Tansley, Robert (Friday, 11 July)
- Kevin Smathers (Tuesday, 8 July)
- Kevin Smathers (Tuesday, 8 July)
- John S. Erickson (Tuesday, 8 July)
- Paul Shabajee (Tuesday, 8 July)
- MacKenzie Smith (Tuesday, 8 July)
- Tansley, Robert (Monday, 7 July)
- John S. Erickson (Monday, 7 July)
- Tansley, Robert (Thursday, 3 July)
Proposed text for section on application profiles
Schema mapping...
SIMILE PI phone conf: 18 Jul 2003 1200 EDT/1700 BST/1000MST
Staged demonstrators
TED, Authentic etc
Update on SIMILE: John Gilbert
Updated relevant tech doc
VRA Reference (incl. examples)
Last message date: Thursday, 31 July 2003 12:47:06 UTC