Re: comments on

>Note the difference between Person/Class and Person/Resource.
>1. Dick is a member of Person & Person is a member of Class & Dick 
>is unrelated to Class
>2. Dick is a member of Person & Person is a subclass of Resource & 
>Dick is a member of Resource

True. Every member of Class is a subclass of Resource, and everything 
is a member of Resource.

>Class and Resource are two classes with very different natures. 

No, they are both classes in exactly the same sense, but they have 
different kinds of member. More exactly, Resource contains all the 
Classes but also some other stuff.

>I'd say the "meaning" of Person with respect to Class is very 
>different from the "meaning" of Person with respect to Resource.

I have no idea what you mean by 'meaning with respect to'. Can you elucidate?

Pat Hayes

>Dick McCullough
><>knowledge := man do identify od existent done
>knowledge haspart proposition list
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <>Brian McBride
>To: <>Richard H. McCullough ; 
><>Patrick J. Hayes
>Cc: <>
>Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2002 8:10 AM
>Subject: Re: comments on 
>At 06:52 03/12/2002 -0800, Richard H. McCullough wrote:
>Welcome back Richard,
>>2. I have one other question related to the definition of "Class".
>>Is "Person" a subClassOf "Class", and "Dick McCullough" a
>>member/individual of "Class"?
>>Or is "Person" a member/individual of "Class", and "Dick McCullough"
>>unrelated to "Class"?
>>In other words, what is the meaning of "Person"?  And is there a
>>difference between "Resource" and "Class"?
>>You might add some words to the document to answer this question.
>Given the normal definitions of person and Dick McCullough and ignoring the
>"'s I would expect to model these as:
>    Person rdfs:type rdfs:Class .  # Person is a member of rdfs:Class
>    Dick   rdfs:type rdfs:Person . # Dick is a member of Person
>i.e. the latter of the two options you offered.

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Received on Tuesday, 3 December 2002 14:51:28 UTC