www-rdf-calendar@w3.org from May 2001 by subject

[RSS-DEV] Proposal of new RSS 1.0 module for events (meetings, deadlines etc.)

[www-rdf-calendar] <none>

Alternative calendars and holidays, moon phases etc.

Business/Employment Opportunity

Dramatically increase sales...

palmagent at work: my WWW10 schedule in RDF

palmagent: a Semantic Web Service for palmpilot datebooks

RDF calendar schemas

RDF vs. iCal

representing scheduled events


UML of iCalendar

understanding iCal - mime-directories

What about XML?

Why do we need RDF calendaring?

Why do we need RDF calendaring? (fwd)

www-rdf-calendar list goals (and msg tone)

xml europe

Last message date: Thursday, 31 May 2001 23:28:56 UTC