Re: RDF calendar schemas

Libby Miller <> wrote:

> I would suggest that we set ourselves the task of producing potential
> RDF schemas based on iCalendar and a deadline of the end of July to do
> so. It may be that one schema fits our needs; we'll see what happens.

I'm not sure that building on iCalendar is the correct thing to do. As
others have mentioned, iCalendar is rather complex. Personally I'd like to
build a very simple schema which can be easily extended to include more
information. I was noodling around today and came up with:

    [ a :Activity ] :where ... ; :when .... ; :who ... .

I haven't looked at iCal carefully so I don't know if this is compatible.
However, I would suggest that whatever we suggest can be easily subsetted to
something of this simplicity.

[ Aaron Swartz | | ]

Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2001 17:20:51 UTC