[QA Ops] QA CR and WG charters
AIs completed
Another for QA Glossary...
approval of "Intro" and its issue resolutions
definition of atomic
definition of test assertion
Docs published on TR (Fwd: Re: Publication requests for 1 CR, 1 WD and 1 Note)
Draft minutes of QA WG meeting 2003-09-08
Draft minutes of QA WG meeting 2003-09-15
DRAFT minutes QA WG Telcon 20030903
Draft minutes QAWG telcon 20030922
F2F agenda: Tour of NIST
Final minutes of QA WG meeting 2003-09-08
Final Minutes of QA WG meeting 2003-09-15
FINAL minutes QA WG Telcon 20030903
Final minutes, QAWG telcon 20040922
Final: Minutes QAWG telecon Monday 25 August
Fwd: Publication requests for CR qaframe-ops
Fwd: Re: QA WG Response to SpecGL comments
Intro-DoC leftovers
Monday (15 September) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (22 September) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (29 September) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (29 September) QAWG telecon agenda [regrets]
Monday (8 September) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (8 September) QAWG telecon agenda [regrets]
More checkpoints for GL 3 of TestGL?
QA Ops Guidelines and Dom WG
QA Ops Guidelines and I18N WG
QA Ops Guidelines and OWL WG
QA Ops Guidelines and SVG WG
QA Ops Guidelines and WAI WG
QA Ops Guidelines and WCAG WG (2nd try)
QA Ops Guidelines and WSD WG
QA WG Response to SpecGL comments
- Leonid Arbouzov (Friday, 26 September)
- Ian B. Jacobs (Thursday, 18 September)
- Karl Dubost (Monday, 15 September)
- Jon Gunderson (Monday, 15 September)
- Alex Rousskov (Saturday, 13 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
- Dominique Hazaël-Massieux (Friday, 12 September)
QA-WAI issues
QAWG response to OpsGL comments
QAWG response to QAF-Intro comments
SOAP assertions list
SpecGL LC16 and 39: CP5.4 (o.ld 8.4) Discretionary items
SpecGL LC81: rewrite of CP6.5 (old 9.6)
SpecGL Test Assertions
Wednesday (3 September) QAWG telecon agenda
Wednesday (3 September) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
XML TS assertions
Last message date: Monday, 29 September 2003 11:31:27 UTC