[Draft] Minutes of QA WG telecon 2003-12-22
[Draft] Minutes of QA WG teleconf 2003-12-18
Action item AI-20031103-3
AI-20031021-2: Microsoft outreach
AI-20031021-4: Recruiting
AI-20031103-1: OpenGroup Participation
AI-20031126-1: I18N charters done
Draft minutes for 12/1/2003 Teleconference
Final Minutes of QA WG teleconf 12/1/2003
Final minutes of QA WG teleconf 2003/11/26
Fwd: All Group Meeting/Tech Plenary Registration open
I18N Review Charter against QA Ops GL
Minutes of 2003/12/08 QAWG Telcon [DRAFT]
Minutes of QA WG telecon 2003-12-22
Monday (01 Dec) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (01 Dec) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT] [belated regrets]
Monday (08 Dec) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (22 Dec) QAWG telecon agenda
Monday (22 Dec) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Monday (22 Dec) QAWG telecon agenda [regrets]
Monday 05 Jan QAWG telecon agenda
OOPS....QA WG teleconf 2003-12-18
pls REPLY -- rescheduling 12/15 QAWG telecon
QA Matrix, RDF entries
QA WG Action Items reminder
rescheduling -- 3rd (last) option
rescheduling Mon. telecon -- 2nd option
some SpecGL TA issues
SpecGL editorial comments
SpecGL editorial comments - CP2.1
SpecGL reword of CP3.1 example
SpecGL selling points: new draft
SpecGL/ET analysis
Telecons in week of 12th January
Test Suites and Standards Process
Thursday (18 Dec) QAWG telecon agenda
Thursday (18 Dec) QAWG telecon agenda (belated demi-regrets)
Thursday (18 Dec) QAWG telecon agenda [DRAFT]
Thursday's Discussion
updated SpecGL Selling Points
we have a winner [telecon reschedule]
What GL tests might look like
WWW2004 panel
WWW2004 panel (agenda item today's telcon)
Last message date: Tuesday, 30 December 2003 14:46:18 UTC