www-html@w3.org from January 1995 by subject

(no subject)


A Modest Proposal

A quick HTML form question

A Yacc grammar for HTML

An ignorant SGML question

Announcement of ASHE (A Simple HTML Editor)

Audio on the PC

Audio on the PC: Part II

book ref HTML

Browser support of HTML 2.0

CHANGED tag (was Re: HTML 3.0 icon entities)

Compiled HTML Docs...

Compu$$$erve GIF tax

CompuServe GIF Agreement

converting local mac .html files -> dos .htm please h

converting local mac .html files -> dos .htm please help

Evolution of HTML and other specs [Was: Browser support of HTML 2.0 ]

Extra control buttons in Mosaic


GIF announcement from CompuServe

html 3.0 comment/questions

HTML 3.0 questions/issues

HTML and inlining external apps (CCI++)

HTML information


HTML3 reference.

Hyperlinked graphics

information on converting freehand files to HTML

Inline Sounds

MAC: mail-to-html converters/filters : advice please

Modifying CGI scripts

National characters in HTML

NCSA patents on MOSAIC ???!!!


Small Bugs in ISO Characters in HTML Spec?

Thank you for meeting with me

The GIF format as intellectual property

The GIF format as intellectual property (fwd)

Transparent gif design on the PC

WARNING ABOUT CCI++ (Re: Proposal for MIME embedding)

WWW'95 International Conference: Call for Posters / Demonstrations

Last message date: Tuesday, 31 January 1995 19:51:10 UTC