WWW'95 International Conference: Call for Posters / Demonstrations


                 Third International World-Wide Web Conference

                      Technology, Tools, and Applications

                     April 10-14, 1995, Darmstadt, Germany


Call for Posters and Demonstrations

  The Third International Wold-Wide Web Conference will be organized by the
  Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics in Darmstadt, Germany.

  The conference will feature a demonstration session together with a poster
  forum. Since the paper submission dates have passed already, please consider
  presenting a poster or both demonstration and poster of your work. The
  conference language is English. 

  Chair (poster & demo session) : Roland Holzapfel  <holzapfel@igd.fhg.de>

Important Dates

  Deadline for submission:     February 15th, 1995 

  Notification of acceptance:  February 28th, 1995 

  Those who have already submitted a poster proposal according to the paper
  submission rules, are registered and DO NOT have to submit again. 

How to submit a poster ?

  Please have a look at:

    http://www.igd.fhg.de/www/www95/www95.html         Overall Conference Info

    http://www.igd.fhg.de/www/www95/posters_call.html  Call for Posters/Demos
    http://www.igd.fhg.de/www/www95/pd_guide.html      Guidelines


  You don't need to read any more of this message, if you look(ed) at the URLs.
  If you don't use the WWW, please read the following Guidelines.


Guidelines for Poster/Demo Submission


  We may have poster proceedings in addition to the regular conference
  proceedings. Thus we'd like to have the following documents submitted for
  each poster or demo/poster combination: 

     Cover Sheet 
     One to two page Abstract/Description 
     Picture / Poster / Screen dump - what you consider useful 

  Please see below for a description of accepted formats and required contents. 

  We are not able to produce posters! These submissions are for reviewing and
  may be included into the poster proceedings. 


  You may submit your proposal according to one of the following procedures: 

    - By sending email to 'www95_poster@igd.fhg.de'
      Create a tar file containing the cover sheet, the text file (HTML) and
      the graphics files (GIF or Encapsulated PostScript), compress it with
      Unix compress (only) and uuencode it. 

    - By anonymous ftp
      Create a tar file containing the text file (HTML) and the graphics files
      (GIF or Encapsulated PostScript), compress it with Unix compress (only)
      and ftp it to >>ftp.igd.fhg.de<<, into the directory >>incoming/www95<<.
      Use 'anonymous' as login and your email address as password.
      After ftp'ing the tar file, email the cover sheet to
      >>www95_poster@igd.fhg.de<<, containing the name of the uploaded file
      and author's contact information. 

Cover Sheet 

A cover sheet must accompany every submission. It shall contain: 

  1.The title 
  2.Type of presentation: poster or demonstration (with poster) 
  3.Assignment to conference topics (select topics only out of the list).
    If you list more than one, the one listed first will be taken as the
    primary one. If nothing applies please use OTHER and an additional keyword. 
  4.Name and postal address, phone, fax, email and http address of the
    author(s). In case of co-authors the first listed will be used as the
    contact address for future communication. (Note: The order of the authors
    may be different in the paper, see below) 
  5.List of keywords (as on title page) 
  6.Name of tar-file, if submitted by ftp (see above) 
  7.Please include the following statement: The author(s) agree to transfer
    Copyright to the Conference Organizer in case of acceptance by the
    International Programme Committee. The author ensures that this is an
    original paper, not published anywhere else and not submitted for
    publication to any other conference. The authors ensure that they have the
    copyright at the date of submission. 

  The cover sheet is required for the organizational process only. It should
  be ASCII only, no formatting other than numbering and paragraphs. This page
  will not be published.
  Please send this page via email to 'www95_poster@igd.fhg.de' 

Abstract / Description and Pictures 

  Posters/Demonstrations intended for publication on the Conference Server and
  in the Poster-Proceedings shall be submitted in the following formats: 

    - syntactically correct HTML 2.0 (for conference server and for creation
      of printed proceedings)


    - Postscript (as reference version for positioning of pictures, tables and

  To make the Proceedings more attractive, it is important that submitted
  papers follow the Guidelines as closely as possible. The Editors cannot
  retype contributions for publication. However, minor deviations from the
  guidelines may be accepted from authors who lack the necessary resources.

  Many submissions to the First and Second International WWW Conference had
  been corrupted, so that the electronic version could not be accessed. Because
  of this, the text of each paper shall be one HTML-file only, not many as
  produced by some converters such as latex2html.

First Page of Poster/Demonstration Abstract or Description with HTML-tags:

Title area:
<H1> Title </H1>
<ADDRESS> First Author's name, affiliation and address </ADDRESS>
<CODE> Email address and URL if available </CODE>
<ADDRESS> Second Author's name, affiliation and address </ADDRESS>
<CODE> Email address and URL if available </CODE>

<DT> <B>Keywords:</B>
<DD> Keywords (maximum 12 words)

Main text: maximum two pages

Second titles, third titles, etc.:
<H2> ... </H2>, <H3> ... </H3>, etc.

Figures and tables:

    Small tables (preformatted): <PRE> ... </PRE> 
    Large tables: see inline images or external images 

    Inline images: Maximum horizontal: 500 pixel 
    External images: Images which need higher resolution should be linked by
      URL to the external image in one of the following formats: gif, jpeg,
      Postscript Level-1. An inline image with lower resolution could be the
      anchor of a link to an external image. 

URLs to external images shall be relative URLs only.

<DT> [1]
<DD> first footnote
<DT> [2]
<DD> second footnote

Reference style including list of references:
<DT> [xxx93]
<DD> author(s) name(s): title,..., URL
<DT> [yyy94]
<DD> author(s) name(s): title,..., URL

In case a paper was published in the series of International WWW Conferences please refer either to the >>CERN Conference Server<< or the >>NCSA Conference Server<<.

 \\  Roland Holzapfel      Computer    email: holzapfel@igd.fhg.de    //
  \\ Wilhelminenstrasse 7  Graphics    phone: ++49 (0)6151 155112    //
  // 64283 Darmstadt        Center     www:                          \\
 //  Germany                (ZGDV)  http://zgdv.igd.fhg.de/~holzapfe/ \\

Received on Thursday, 12 January 1995 08:16:29 UTC