Re: Advice please -- WAI Implementation plan

Dear Basil and other translators,

Thank you very much for translating WAI documents and for bring this issue to our attention.

Indeed has all of the information and it would be simpler to just translate that page and not the others (which are "collapsed" views of the same information).

I changed the link under to point to the expanded version and added a note: "Note that the link above is to the "expanded" version of the document. A translation of this expanded document need not include "[outline]" under the <h1>, nor "To return to the outline version of this page, select "outline" here or above" in the Introduction section.

Best regards,

~ Shawn

Shawn Lawton Henry
W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
phone: +1.617.395.7664

Basil Algazel wrote:
> Ivan, Shawn,
> I'm trying to follow WAi's priority list for translations and have just 
> finished "Implementation Plan for Web Accessibility" 
> and am half way through the "expanded" 
> document at
> I was just checking the links manually (red arrowheads) and noticed that 
> there are several other related files viz "assess" 'sw" "resp" etc.
> Question: Since they are basically the same files except for having the 
> relevant section expanded, is it OK if I just link to the relevant 
> section in "expanded.html" from the "outline" file which I think is 
> This will save me from having to 
> translate the other files (assess, sw, resp, etc) and I can move on to 
> other documents sooner. I will of course translate all the files if 
> that's what's required.
> Another option is of course to just upload the translation of 
> "expanded.html" as it has all the info.
> I'm cc-ing this to the list as I've noticed other translators also 
> wanting to work on the WAI Implementation Plan
> Would very much appreciate your advice.
> Thanks.
> Regards,
> Basil

Received on Tuesday, 3 May 2005 14:06:03 UTC