- From: Jeremy Carroll <jjc@hplb.hpl.hp.com>
- Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2002 13:44:38 -0000
- To: <w3c-rdfcore-wg@w3.org>
Well, I appear to agree with Sergey and disagree with Patrick, ... ... at least about the topic of disagreement! I think RDF graphs are fundamentally untidy. The serious concerns I have with S are as follows: 1. Tidiness. Different occurrences of the same string have different types, and IMO are better modelled as distinct entities. S does not allow for this. This is not asserting that implementations may not use string interning or equivalent techniques for storage compression, merely that the semantics of a literal node depend on context. 2. Idiom B. Idiom B, where the lexical form of a datatype is used directly in a single triple, is for me, the primary idiom of RDF M&S. For me, articulating implicit typing within that idiom is the goal of the datatyping work. S's articulation of idiom B is deficient. 2A: Unfortunately in S, idiom B is explicitly a sop to backward compatability which does not interwork properly with the preferred S idiom, idiom A. The examples we have already seen have been <Jenny> <ageA> _:a . _:a <xsd:integer.map> "4" . <Jenny> <ageB> "4" . <ageA> <rdfs:range> <xsd:integer.val> . <ageB> <rdfs:range> <xsd:integer.lex> . The single conceptual property of age gets reflected differently in the two idioms, and the value of the age property is an integer in one, and a string in the other. I think idiom B is *the* idiom of choice, and datatyping should explicate how one gets from the string lexicalization to the intended value. 2B: Monotonicity and the open world assumption on type information. S (idiom B and P) is non-monotonic with respect to type information, or at least forces the RDF application to behave as if the underlying theory were non-monotonic. [Sorry this is rather obscure, I will ask for a clarification about S-P, which will illustrate my concerns] That's it. Other areas of difference are I think open to compromise. So just as Sergey could live with one uri for each type (as in TDL), I could live with S's three or four. While I think the D syntactic idiom is better than S-A from a backward compatibility viewpoint, and I do not like S idiom A, I could live with S-A being the recommended local idiom. I also have doubts about the implementability of S, and will seek clarifications from Sergey. Jeremy
Received on Monday, 28 January 2002 08:44:40 UTC